Chapter 19 Ritual time..

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Hello people i just realised that i need to mark this story complete by november something.... so i am going to upload like quicker!!:) Remember to vote, comment and fan!! suddenly that seems to become my motto on wattpad.... O.o

Ray Pov

After telling them about the ritual, they howled together and i was like" .... huh?" yup because i have no idea why did they just howl. They beckoned me with their snouts in my Pack's direction in a hurry to get there and save their Alpha's daughter. Even Prince Nicholas and Karla's mate burst into their wolf shape. I had learned Karla's name when they had been talking about her, she sounded so sweet and innocent that i can't even belief why my father would kidnapped her just to force me to mate with her. I shifted and led them there. We were all running at top notch speed which means even faster than the lightning which is technically impossible. But it was true because we reached my Pack in less than 1 minute which is very fast because i took 1 hour to run to the palace...

We burst into the underground dungeon to find Karla tied to the ground, uncounscious with my brother  hovering on top of her in a very inappropriate manner. When Damien, Karla's mate saw that, he shook with so much anger that i backed away. He rammed straight through the circle of people and pounced onto my brother, Austin. Damien was horrifying in the act of .... tearing of my brother's meat apart....  He throwed Austin all the way to the other side of the wall once he was done with him. I was not at all regretful for not helping my brother because he and my father went crazy when mother died. She was killed by an Alpha. 

That was why my father wanted either my brother or me to mate with an Alpha's daughter so that he can torture her. While i was going through all this thoughts, all the other wolves had ran in to back Damien up. They were tearing people up one by one but they cleared the way for Damien when he was walking to the only person he wanted to fight.... my father.

Damien Pov

When i was talking to Prince Nicholas, a group of wolves from Eric's(Karla's father and Damien's Alpha) Pack . They told us what happened and halfway through it, a unknown guy walked through the Palace gates and explain who he is. He apologised for his father and by that time i was already seeing red. We ran like hell was behind us all the way through the forest and to his pack. When we burst into the underground dungeon, i saw Karla uncounscious and shook with anger... I burst back into my wolf and ran straight through the circle of people and pounced onto the guy on top of Karla.

I ripped him apart and threw him to the other side of the room then i went to stalk the guy in the Golden Robe whom i assume is Ray's and the guy that i just threw, father. Anyway, i could smell the Alpha smell flowing around him. 

 I stalked him while walking ina circle because that was what we were both doing, stalking each other in a circle and see who attacks first... Then he ran towards me and.....

Cliffy again!!! Hey guys!!! If you don't want to vote at least comment of read it  more because i am dropping in rankings for watty awards and that is scaring me!!! >_< so remeber to vote, comment and fan please!!!! :)

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