Chapter 6

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A/N: hey guys i'm sorry fr not updating sooner so i shall shut up now and let you read in peace HAH

Aisha's Pov

"Hi Nicholas....." I blushed when i saw how hot he was in his white tuxedo.

Nicholas then laughed at me and said,  "You look hot today too, beautiful. " In reply to my thoughts. I blushed even harder at the compliment while Karla was laughing at my side. I whacked her and she laughed even harder and replied, " That wasn't even painful BEAUTIFUL" after saying that she laughed until there was tears in her eyes and she was gasping like fish out of water. That made me laugh with her too. 

Karla's Pov 

Today is Aisha's big day and she is rocking her gown that i chose! woohoo! These past few months when i followed Aisha out, I always had a feeling we were being watched, but when i turned back, there was no one there. It is a creepy feeling...... Today i am wearing a white classy dress with a ribbon at the front of the dress. This dress was picked out by Aisha who has a childish side to her. 

"Ouch! Aisha its starting again!!" I shouted to Aisha. This pain, is caused by my mate. I started feeling this briefly after i got here. The royal doctor told me that since I am next in line for the throne now and i am technically still the next in line to become an Alpha for my pack, the impact will be stronger on me! This only happens when Damien screws around with some sluts... But suddenly, the pain stopped for a moment and i noticed that Aisha was using her magic on me as she has all kinds of power flowing through her body as an advantage of being a Princess. But then she fainted and the pain came back full force! 

While i tried to shake her awake, the pain was becoming unbearable and i fainted too, but not before sending for help.

"Huh... where am I?" I thought to myself as i stared at a amazing waterfall in a deep part of a forest, which is my guess as i am surrounded by lush green trees. Suddenly i heard a twig snapped behind me and saw a big greyish brown wolf standing behind me. "MATE!!!!!" Lily screamed.

"Damien? i asked.

"Grrrrh" was all i got from that mutt who rejected me.

"Change back Damien!!" I ordered him. Lily whimpered at how i was treating her mate.

Damien changed back in front of me in all his glory and immediately blushed and covered my eyes, " put on some freaking clothes Damien!! "

" Why are you shy, little Karla ? " Damien cooed at me. 

I was about to laugh and reply back with a joke when i remembered all the pain he had caused me to go through. My smile turned into a cold glare,  " You are in no position to talk to me as if you have done nothing to hurt me. " 

His smile turned into a frown as he asked me where am i and when i would be coming back, saying that he misses me and all that crap. 

I looked at him and gave him a sarcastic smile, " Why would you need me when you can fool around with any girl that you want. " after that i walked off even though i have no idea where i'm going before i suddenly blanked out and everything went dark from there. 

A/N: I know guys i left you on a cliffhanger but i updated early even though i have SYF tomorrow sooo wish me good luck! ;O 

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