Chapter 4

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A/N: Thank you sooo much!! please do continue to vote! :) help to give me some cast names ;p 

" Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened "

- Dr Seuss 

Karla's Pov

'Oh my gosh its so freaking cold out here in the forest at night...... I have been walking for hours now! I think that by now, my pack members would have noticed i'm gone.' 

" Grrrr!!" I heard someone growling at me and i slowly turned my back to face them. I noticed that they had a royalty mark behind their ears. Had i been so lost in my thoughts that i didn't even noticed i crossed onto The Royal Grounds?!

 'AH HELL!! I'm sooo dead..' 

The wolf gave me a glare telling me to turn my back while he or she shifts. I turned around to give them some privacy and when i turned back... i realized that i was gawking at a handsome guy in his twenties!! 

'woah damn he has a drool-worthy body...'

 He saw me gawking and started to tease me by saying " like what you see?"

 I blushed and dropped my head to the ground. It was so quiet that anyone could hear a pin drop 20 miles away. He broke the silence by saying, " Come on! i'll bring you to see Aisha!" 

On hearing that, i immediately said, " AISHA!? As in the Princess of all Werewolves!!" He said yes as he was her mate and i realized that if he was Aisha's mate.... that means he is Prince Nicholas!

We walked back to the palace and when we went to see Aisha i was literally pounced upon like a dog's chew toy.  {A/N: that joke though ;) }  At first i was freaked out but Aisha's excitement was all it took before i was laughing and hugging her back too. 

Nicholas Pov

I smelled a rogue smell as i went on the rounds with some of the pack members. I asked them to cover me as i went to find out who it is. As i turned the corner, i saw a petite girl with her back facing me. I growled at her and she slowly turned behind to face me. I asked her to give me some privacy as i shift. After i was done shifting i turned around to have her gawking at me. I decided to play with her and asked her whether she liked what she was saying. 

She dropped her head and blushed.  We talked and I told her about how i was Aisha's mate and her mouth dropped again. After talking, i brought her to the palace and woke Aisha up. Once Aisha saw Karla she pounced on her and said that they were gonna be best friends for life and they were never going to be separated. 

Seeing that i was filed with happiness knowing i made Aisha happy, little did i know that little amount of happiness i have now would turn into misery as soon as Karla settled in. 

Aisha Pov

'Yes Nicholas brought home a rogue girl he had found in the woods!! I do not know why but i have a good feeling about her. ' He told me what happened through our mind link and after that i totally ignored what he said and pounced on her. Her name was Karla and i told her that she was going to be my best friend for like forever! She looked a little freaked out but hugged me back after awhile. 

Unknown's Pov

Get those damn rodents here!!! I slammed my hand on to the table splitting it into two. I asked them how in the world did they lose track of where that damn girl Karla was!! And all they gave me was murmurs......

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