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The Next Day
I just walked out of my classroom. It was the last day of school for me. I just finished my last two ACTs.

I met up with the gang and we made our way to the gym. Trisha was just walking out with her two dogs, Malia and Simone.

They gave us a stink look, we laughed and kept it pushing. Fuck is wrong with them. I don't mind beating they asses today. School's out.

We sat down for a little while on the bleachers. And then we got up and made our way out of the gym.

We met this girl named Victoria and she wanted to join our squad. That would take her a while though cause we gotta trust her.

Both her and Keri went to the lunch table we usually sat at until we got there. Sheri, Jas and I made our way to my locker.

I put some stuff in there and we were just watching people as they passed by. Of course Jas' ass called half them niggas sexy.

"Look at Ray, he's watching you Milan." Sheri commented as Ray passed by with Joshua. "Is Rey with him?" Jas asked using his nickname.

She was hiding behind me. "Girl no." Sheri told her. "He's with this sexy dark skinned dude. What's his name?"

"Joshua?" Jas asked while moving from me and giving Sheri a look of disgust. "His black ignorant ass."

"What? I think he's fine and he stays clean from head to toe." Sheri reasoned. "Yeah right." Jas sneered.

"Mi mi you not gonna fuck with your man, he's by the water fountain." Jas taunted me. I noticed that he was by the fountain indeed.

Then I noticed he made his way into the cafeteria. "Fuck him." I spat while slamming my locker door and walking away.

"Oh so now it's fuck him, girl I couldn't get you to shut up about him and now it's that?" Jas asked with a grin.

"Let's go over there, they're serving chicken nuggets." Sheri inquired. "I was passionate bout him at first cause he's the first to like me."

"But now since I found out that he's not only seeing me but another girl... it's fuck him." I replied back. "My feelings change quick."

"Ray will be Ray." Jas simply said. "And I should've listened to you but I wanted you to be wrong." I started.

"Because I really did like him and I had hope..." I ended. "Is he still texting you?" Sheri asked. "Yeah." I replied back.

We walked into the cafeteria, it was packed and loud as always. We just stood in the line so we could get our lunch trays.

While in line, I noticed Ray over at the table where Trisha and her dogs were sitting at. I just cut my eyes when I saw something.

I just witnessed Ray leaning down, whispering some shit into Malia's ear and the bitch was just cheesing.

"Mi mi I hope you're not bothered by that." Jas said. "I'm not." I sneered. I was actually bothered.

I just glanced at them once more before collecting my tray and walking towards our usual table.

Keri was sitting there with Victoria, the white girl that's Joshua's girlfriend. "Milan I know you're not gonna eat those so give it up."

"Girl you can have them." I responded while pushing my tray towards Sheri. She grabbed the nuggets and the sauce to go with them.

There was no way in hell I was gonna eat those. I was about to wait until I got home. I should've asked my grandma to get me a sub.

"Uhm!" Jas placed her soda down while watching Keri. "Ho I was gonna get her food you always get everything on her plate."

"Here girl damn, can't have shit for myself." Keri sucked her teeth. "You really can't." Sheri said while snatching a nugget from her plate.

She popped it in her mouth. Keri just stared at her with her mouth wide open. "Now I only have four left." Keri said picking over her food.

"And you." She pointed at Sheri. "You better be glad that I love you, I would've just punched you in your shit."

Sheri continued to laugh while chewing on her food. Rey walked over, he grabbed the empty seat beside Jas and sat down. "What's up?"

"Hey Rey." Everybody greeted him but Jas. "What's up my nigga." He clasped hands with Keri and then looked over at Victoria.

"What you doing over here white girl, you usually be with them..." Rey nodded his head over at the table where five white girls sat.

"Fuck you Rey." Victoria cursed while giving him the finger as she cheesed. I guess she knew he was playing.

I peeped when Jas looked over at him and rolled her eyes. " Who you rolling your eyes at?" He taunted her.

She said nothing. "Huh?" He continued to taunt her while thumping her naked arm. "Rey fucking stop it!"

"You know I hate being thumped." She raged out while punching him. He started laughing and then he cut it short by jumping on her.

"Give me my phone man, I know you got my shit." He told Jas. His chair was now pushed up close to hers.

Jasmine didn't even look at him. She just continued to sip on her drink, she was also sitting pretty.

"I don't have your phone Corey." She replied back calling him by his government name. "Man." He drawled licking his lips.

"Girl you better give me my phone, I know you got it." He assured. "How? I don't have your phone!" Jas argued back.

"Because you snatched it in the fucking hallway, out of my pocket... now give me my shit."

Life With Milan (COMPLETED) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt