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"Supposedly." I replied to Siri. "Supposedly and what does that mean?" Ray asked me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you think?" I retorted back. I have been real quiet but I have a mouth. Ray already knew this since I get smart with him sometimes too.

"Man, you believe this girl?" He asked, pointing at Siri who was standing back with her arms folded.

"It's obvious that you two have something going on, Otherwise why would she just come at you like this?" I asked looking at them.

"That's because we do." Siri retorted. Ray gave Siri a death glare. "Ray c'mom now we've been seeing each other for months." Siri explained.

"Tell the girl the truth." She continued. "You're making it seem like we dating, you know I'm not making this shit happen." Ray snapped.

"Fuck outta my face." He said. I didn't know what to think. I have had an unusual feeling, it felt as if Ray was being very dishonest.

"Karay really? Really?" Siri reiterated while squinting her eyes. "I guess it's a whole other story since she's here." She said.

I cut my eyes at Siri. I didn't say anything. For one, I wasn't the type of girl to flat out argue with a girl over a guy.

"Let's get in the car and not be nosy." I heard Jas tell Sheri. I noticed them but I didn't comment on it; I knew how they were.

"Man." Ray said harshly while pulling up his jeans. "Siri get the fuck out of here before I hurt your stupid ass." He threatened.

"You doing too much." He said. "No be real with your friend, tell her how you was at my house last night." She taunted.

"Talking about making it official or whatever." She continued. I had a puzzled expression on my face because my mind was wondering.

I had called him twice last night and he didn't pick up. The only thing he did was shot me a message saying he'll call me later and that's it.

Like a naive girl I didn't think he was cheating, I just figured he was busy I didn't want to press him with all kinds of accusations.

"So is that the reason why you didn't answer your phone when I called you?" I asked him while staring at him.

"Milan look." Ray halted, trying to reason with me. He knew he was caught I think that was very rare of him.

"You know what just leave me alone... go be with her since she's claiming you as her boyfriend." I replied back.

I just give up so easily, I didn't want to be like any other girl and fight over him. Let me just be different for once.

I just kept telling him to leave me alone but still he was making up lies trying to explain himself to me.

I watched him palm his face while letting out a sigh. Some bystanders were looking at us but they continue to go their way.

"You really gonna believe that hoe?!" Ray asked me. "Well she is not lying because I called you last night twice and you didn't answer." I said.

"Now I'm a hoe?" Siri cackled. "Ray you're so full of shit, you was just trying to make it official with this hoe though." She continued.

"Jas y'all just lets go." I said while looking at my friends. They nodded and we went. I open my car door, but Ray closed it back with one hand.

"Move." I told him sternly. Siri had a frown on her face. Ray was all in my ears trying to cope with me but I didn't want to hear.

"Milan, let me explain real quick." He said. "No move... I'm done." I told him. "I should have never even gave you a chance."

"C'mon Milan, you really think I'm seeing her though?" He asked. " Man she's lying."

"I don't have to lie... I have my receipts... you know damn well that we've been together for months." Siri said.

"And now you want to pull that lying stunt." Siri sneered. "Move!" I yelped out while pushing Ray but he was so tall & big over me.

"Your name is Siri right?" I heard Jasmine ask the girl while pointing her acrylic nails nastily at her in her face.

"I said that like five minutes ago." Siri retorted back at Jasmine. "Oh okay." Jasmine replied back.

Keeping her cool, she looked like she was so close to popping Ying Lee in her mouth, bitch was talking way too much.

If she continues she better mind Jas don't drag her ass. "Well Suckey—." Jas started. "It's Siri, you know... as in See-Ree." Siri corrected her.

"Whatever bitch." Jas replied in a blatant tone. She look like she didn't care she just wanted to fight her.

Siri didn't even reply back to Jas. For one She look like she couldn't fight so she kept cool and continued to watched Ray and I.

"Alright move Ray... she don't want you fucking with her so leave her alone." Jas told Ray as she tried pushing him out the way.

He reluctantly moved out of my way. I quickly hopped in my car and locked the door. He was knocking on my window.

I didn't even acknowledge him I just palmed my face. I just wish I could get away from him and the bitch he so called with.

He was standing in front of my car and because I didn't want to go to prison I just waited a while until he moved.

Someone was parked behind me so I couldn't reverse out which I was planning to do so he just had me trapped for a little.

I went to the pizza place as I said and his stupid ass was there with the bitch so we went to a different place.

Life With Milan (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now