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I was currently hanging out with my second squad at school, Sheri and the rest. "Mi mi, get up... let's go to the office." Jas said.

Jas has been glued to me ever since I joined their little squad with my cousin. Like they are two years older than me though.

Cause they're my cousin's friend and she's their age group but who cares. Where still a squad right.

She ran up the stairs and grabbed my hand. "What?" I snatched my hand back. "For what?" I asked. "Just come on." She said pulling me.

We went down the stairs leaving the rest but before we could make it to the door, there was Trisha and with her was Malia and Simone.

"Bitch!" Trisha lashed out while swinging on Jas and not me, causing her shades to fall and her head to go back since she punched her.

"You didn't think I was bouta get one of you back?" She asked. "Get her ass!" Malia hyped Trisha. Simone noticed me trying to hit Trisha.

She pushed me back. "We not jumping in remember? We doing this shit fair and square right."

"That's not fair though, she got her off guard!" I yelled. Simone sucked her teeth. "You guys caught Trisha off guard too."

She was talking mad shit because I didn't catch her off guard. "So it's fair, fuck outta here." Simone continued.

"No she didn't." I retorted. "She was talking mad shit and she spat in my food so I slapped her and Jas was cursing her out."

"Milan don't try me, you already know what's up." Simone bucked. As on queue, I punched Simone in the face, she stumbled back.

Omniscient POV

Malia wasn't getting in it because she knew that Simone was gonna handle her shit; she could fight.

"Oh shit! Oh shit!" Somebody yelled from the bleachers as they all ran down to get a good look at the scene before them.

Corey rushed down as well and made his way through the crowd, he really didn't have to do much to get to Jas since he was tall.

And people knew to get out of his way or he would knocked them over. There was two fights.

Jasmine vs. Trisha. Milan vs. Simone.

Both girls were at it. Jasmine held a grip on Trisha's hair because Trisha had a grip on her hair.

Simone and Milan were both fighting straight up, giving each other hard punches that sounded off through the gym.

Jasmine didn't know how to fight all that but she managed to kick Trisha making her fall to the floor. She still had a grip on Jasmine's hair.

"Let my hair go." Jasmine said, prying Trisha's hand away from her hair. She was dragging Trisha on the gym floor causing marks on her.

Trisha managed to get up and when she did, she let Jasmine's hair go and Jas did the same and they started swinging on each other.

Giving each other hard punches and slaps. To be honest, Jasmine was getting the best of her since her licks were way harder.

She was even aiming for her face. (Lick= punches, slaps, etc.) Corey made his way over to Jasmine and Trisha.

He grabbed Trisha and pulled her ass back. "Move Corey! So I can beat her ass." Trisha snapped, now she wanted to buck.

"You mean get your ass beat." He said and almost everyone laughed. "Corey what are you doing? Let them fight." Malia snapped.

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