Chapter One - A Dark Beginning

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Chapter one

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Chapter one

A Dark Beginning

My name is Moira. I have been fourteen years old now for one hundred years. I do not remember very much of my previous life but the few things I do remember, I know I will never forget.

I remember my mother and how she shielded me from my father's drunken induced rage until the day his rage proved to be too much for her fragile body to endure. That was the last day I stayed under his roof. I couldn't stay for my mother's funeral because I knew what was to come next. My mother wasn't there to protect me any longer.

I packed what few possessions I owned by wrapping them in the only other dress I had and ran. I traveled for two days and nights before I stopped to rest. I wanted to make sure I had enough distance between my father and me, so he would never find me.

I didn't know exactly where I was, since I had never left the town I was born in, but I could tell there was a town a head. I saw a wooden bridge covering a dry creek bed and climbed down into it. I gathered shrubs to lie on top of the stones and then tried to rest. I was so tired that the cold didn't bother me too much.

I didn't know what time it was when I woke but it was still very dark out. I saw something move in the shadow on the other side of the creek bed, it was a man. I stiffened out of fear that it was my father but quickly realized that this man was too tall to be him. He slowly and deliberately moved towards me. Although, I was relieved it wasn't my father I was still very scared. I didn't know at that moment that I had a very good reason to be frightened.

As he approached me, closer and closer, I saw his pale face in the little light the crescent moon gave. Then a shocking revelation, he wasn't human. His bright red eyes looked me over as he tilted his head and sniffed the air again. I wanted to run, to scream, but I sat there, frozen in fear.

Before I knew what was happening, I saw the scenery around me flying past at an incredible speed. He had snatched me up and was running with me. The wind tore at my already ragged dress and I struggled against his frozen grip on my tiny body. The pain from his hold grew and grew until he suddenly stopped, dropping me on to the hard cold ground. I looked around-we were deep in the forest now.

I didn't want to look into his face but I did, out of fear. He was staring straight into my eyes. I knew what was to come next. This demon was going to murder me. I knew no one would hear my screams so I didn't even try. My eyes grew wide with fear as he parted his lips, almost as to smile, and his white teeth gleamed in the moonlight. I gasped and he attacked me so fast that I didn't see him coming.

I thought death would be quick and somewhat painful but instead it was long and agonizing. He bit my neck and I could feel him drinking my blood as it gushed out. The pain from the bite quickly turned into a burn. But it felt more than a burn. It was scorching. I closed my eyes in the shear pain of the fire spreading from my neck down through my chest and slowly licking its way inch by inch throughout my entire body. I clawed at the monster feeding on me in a futile attempt at freedom. I felt another piercing bite to my wrist as he sucked as hard as he could.

Moira (Intertwined with Twilight) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now