Chapter 27 - It Begins

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Chapter 27

It Begins


Renesmee, Edward and Bella had come to the airport to pick us up. Renesmee was excited to just get out of the house. She was the first to grab me for a hug.

"Please don't ever leave me that long again," she pouted but laughed soon after.

"You will go away one day and have such an amazing time that you won't want to leave," I informed her.

"Sure," she drug the word out sarcastically.

I just rolled my eyes at her as her Mom and Dad hugged Demetri and I.

"So happy to see you two," Bella smiled.

"Thanks for picking us up," Demetri said as he picked up our luggage.

"Renesmee asked us weeks ago if we could be the ones to come," Edward laughed.

"Well good!" I smiled back.

Renesmee chatted almost the entire way home. After yawning a few dozen times she finally dozed off.

I had to giggle because even though she was 10 and looked 19 she still looked so cute when sleeping.

"She missed you guys a lot," Bella said after a while.

"I guess Jacob's been too busy too keep her occupied?" I asked. Edward didn't like my question but Bella just rolled her eyes at him.

"Yes. They have been training a lot," she told me with a little sour tone. I couldn't exactly make it out what was bothering her but I picked up that it was something.

'She is fine Moira,' Edward thought to me without looking back in the rear view mirror. 'She doesn't like seeing Renesmee sad is all.'

I looked out the window watching the trees as we passed by. Demetri held me tighter. He knew when I was thinking of something or when something was bothering me so he just held me quietly and patiently- awaiting for me to tell him whenever I was ready too. Our relationship often reminded me of Alice and Jaspers. They knew each other so well and he waited for her to open up to him.

Everyone was home when we arrived. Renesmee, Edward and Bella said goodnight and we thanked them for picking us up before they left for their cottage.

Demetri and I stayed at the main house visiting everyone until the next morning. I couldn't believe we had sat there all night talking and didn't even notice the time flying by. I guess I missed them more than I realized and was touched that they missed me just the same.

Emmet was even burning from thirst but didn't want to leave yet to hunt. He wanted to chat with Demetri. He thought Demetri was going to give him juicy details but my Demetri wasn't as he was and refused to give in to his constant prodding. Then Emmet's jokes began.

"What? You two didn't do anything the entire time you were there? Is that why you don't have anything to talk about?" Emmet taunted.

I didn't have enough time to warn him but Demetri had grown tired of his remarks. Demetri pointed to Emmet and then pointed to the back yard. Emmet followed Demetri thinking he was finally going to get details but he was seriously mistaken.

I bit my lip and just hoped that Demetri didn't get into the fight I knew he was thinking about having. They marched to the river and in a whisper Demetri told him a few things. Surprisingly, Emmet looked pretty freaked out and didn't say a word back to Demetri.

I was very proud of my Love. He kept his cool and talked civil to Emmet about his lewd remarks and gestures.

"Emmet. This will be the only time I have this talk with you. If you ever remark or gesture anymore about anyone in the family, regarding their private moments, you will not only have a few permanent scars but I personally guarantee you will be embarrassed. Now, as old as you are you should know better but I am assuming you don't since you seem to constantly have this problem. Now, I am sure if you just ask your Rose for more sex she will give you some; instead of you going around half-cocked thinking everyone else is getting less than you are. Unless, you are having a personal problem of your own then I am sure Carlisle can help you out or at least try. So, no more." Demetri said in final tone and slapped him hard on the back. It made the echoing sound of thunder as the sound reverberated back to them.

Moira (Intertwined with Twilight) COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin