Chapter 9 - Introductions

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Chapter Nine


Edward, Bella and Renesmee left for the night. They have their own place across the river. I stayed with Esme and Carlisle.

Rosalie and Emmet were going hunting while Alice and Jasper were headed out to spend quality time together. They asked if I needed to hunt but I politely declined.

For the rest of the night I talked with Carlisle and Esme. I felt right at home with them. They made it easy though. I would have never believed creatures, such as ourselves, could love so deeply if I had not seen it my self. It was beautiful, their love was beautiful. I loved seeing the love in their eyes towards each other. I only hoped that one day I would find someone to love like that.

Carlisle filled me in about his and Esme's lives, how they came to be a family. I was fascinated in their history. He changed Edward, Esme, Rosalie and Emmet only when they were about to die. As for Alice and Jasper, they basically adopted their selves into the family. He said if I wanted to know the others stories maybe I should wait until they wanted to tell it. I told him I fully understood. Their story weren't for him to tell.

Carlisle was a very enthralled man and he loved knowledge. I could hear how excited he was to know about all the powers I currently possessed.

"Actually, I am only aware of them once they have manifested." I filled him in the mechanics.

"I'm sorry, just an errant thought," he chuckled to himself and patted Esme's hand. "I just got used to Renesmee being a mind reader and now we have three."

"No, it's all right. I don't mind really. I am just happy to be talking again." I smiled.

"You can talk to us anytime Moira!" Esme's sweet voice rang a beautiful chorus as she spoke.

"As far as I know, I have my original power to consume vampire's powers and human's latent powers."

Carlisle's eyes widened and I stopped talking. "You can actually take a vampire's power?"

"No, not take... more like absorb it duplicate. The vampire keeps their power, I basically just copy it," I answered and he nodded. "My original power also enhances each absorbed power, making them more powerful and sometimes alters them into a new version of the copied power. If that makes any sense," I tried to explain.

"No, no, it does actually. This is absolutely, amazing. I never would have assumed that vampires could have such powerful potential." As he ended that question his thoughts became gravely worrisome.

I tilted my head while listening. He was afraid of the Volturi finding out about me.

I looked to my feet and sighed. "They already know of me."

He looked frightened then. I knew he didn't want to put his family in danger and I of course would bring that danger to their door.

"I don't want to cause you worry and I surely do not want you to be in danger because of me. I killed my creator that the Volturi had tracking me and ever since no one else has tracked me. But I can go now so your family isn't in jeopardy. I wouldn't want my family at risk either."

"No Moira. You're not going anywhere. You are a part of this family now," Carlisle said, as Esme looked kindly to me. "We're always in danger from the Volturi. They are power hungry and jealous of my family already. Aro likes collecting gifted vampires for his guard," he said as he shook his head in revulsion of the Volturi. I knew that same feeling. "Please, continue if you will."

I smiled. "Of course, ... I received mind reading from my creator and with my enhancement ability I can hear other's minds two hundred times the range he could. He could only hear someone within two feet though," I laughed. "Also, somehow it altered into being able to adapt to other vampire's gifts that are used around me. Like that of Bella's shield. I somehow got used to it and eventually I could hear everyone's minds inside her shield."

Moira (Intertwined with Twilight) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now