Chapter 22 - Family

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Chapter 22


Who knew it was possible? Not even Edward thought it could happen or at least sort of hoped it couldn't but that was his fatherly side thinking. No, we were definitely not prepared but neither was Nahuel, Huilen or Leah.

Why was nature so backwards with us supernatural creatures? The very things that should not exists do and have secretly for millennia's.

Even for beings who have lived for hundreds of years, they still did not know all that there is in our secretive world and we're still learning of new things every time we turned around.

The scene we came onto was a little weird. All the elders were outside of Nahuel and Leah's house with the entire pack. All of their thoughts were confusing and loud while not a single one of them coherent enough to understand what was going on.

As soon as Edward saw Jacob, he told him to go see Renesmee because she was extremely upset. So, Jacob had to go calm her down and we continued into Leah's house.

Leah was laid up in her bed with Nahuel standing right next to her holding her hand. Carlisle went straight away to her side and opened his medical bag. Leah looked well enough but I could see that her belly had a bump.

She was pregnant. My eyes dashed to Edward but he did not look to me. He was watching and listening to everything around Leah. He knew this could easily be Renesmee's future with marrying Jacob. He was also glad that she was only three.

Carlisle examined her and listened to her belly. I didn't understand why they wanted me here. There wasn't anything I could do. I needed Bella there now because with me having her power didn't help me out when it came to blocking out others voices. I still needed her to do that.

Edward turned to me then after he heard me.

'Why did they call me here?' I asked him.

'I'm not sure. I have been listening but nothing makes sense.' He was just as confused as I was.

'I know their thoughts are all jumbled up. Only thing I can make out is that they are concerned for her safety since Nahuel is half vampire.'

'I have gathered that much as well.'

'Do you hear that?' I asked him suddenly.

'Yes. Two heart beats.'

'Twins.' I gasped.

Carlisle looked to us and then back to Leah. "Well Leah, congratulations you are having twins."

Leah and Nahuel both smiled widely. Nahuel leaned down to kiss her and she caressed his face.

"Your blood pressure is normal and the baby's heart beats are loud and strong. Do you know when you conceived?" Carlisle asked her.

"I think it was four weeks ago," she answered.

We all looked to each other with wide shocked eyes. The babies had the accelerated growth rate but just not as accelerated as Renesmee was inside of Bella. Maybe because Nahuel is only half vampire.

"I would like to bring a portable ultra sound to see if the placenta is thick like Bella's was," Carlisle said.

Leah suddenly stiffened as she realized that her children were going to be like Renesmee and their father, which might make the birth just like Bella's. She was suddenly scared and looking to Nahuel panicked.

"Don't worry Leah, since we know more about this type of situation and have Carlisle, I am sure things will go a lot better than Bella's delivery. Ok? We know now we don't have to wait so long and know what we must do to keep you strong and nourished. I am here." Nahuel spoke softly to his wife.

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