Chapter 7 A Great Loss

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Chapter Seven

Great Loss

Who ever said 'happiness never lasts' better never cross my path.

The house was finally perfect. Everything had either been refurbished or replaced and it was the most beautiful home I had ever seen. Henry even updated the electricity and plumbing after reading as many books as he could. Of course, we didn't need either but it was nice. None of us had ever lived in home that had electricity or plumbing before and it was somewhat funny to think about.

A local art gallery owner fell in love with Elle's paintings and bought all that she had painted. They held a private screening and every piece was purchased for thousands of dollars.

Henry's furniture became quit known and he too sold many pieces. We were set with money for a while. As vampires, we didn't need to buy food or pay for bills - since we never really used electricity that often or water.

That was until I bought new clothes for us all. Then we needed a washer and dryer to wash our clothes. Elle said it was about time that I stopped dressing like a peasant girl from the old country so she took my old raggedy dresses and tossed them out. One dress was so old and torn it had to of been thirty years old.

In the year of 2010, after living in Georgia for nineteen blissful years, we decided to celebrate our very first Christmas together. We wanted something new to do and decorating for the occasion seemed perfect.

We lit the big house up with a multitude of Christmas lights. We cut down a seven-foot fir and stood it in front of the living rooms large windows. We bought antique Christmas ornaments to decorate our tree with. Everything was so wonderful. We went out to the mall one evening and bought each other a present plus more decorations. We hid the gifts from one another and wrapped them as soon as we got home. Elle and Henry did their best to keep their thoughts from thinking of the gifts they got me but Henry wasn't as successful as Elle was. He kept thinking about how he couldn't wait to see my face when I opened a box that had a gorgeous sapphire ring.

As Christmas day approached we strewn scented pine cones through out the house. It was a funny thing for us to do actually but we did it anyway. We lit candles and sung together on Christmas morning before opening each other's gifts. It was such a magical environment and I couldn't be any happier.

Elle and Henry wanted me to open my gifts first. Of course Henry had given me the beautiful white gold and sapphire ring. I was dazed by the look on his face while he watched me - I knew he loved me dearly but his expression made my heart feel almost alive again.

Elle bought me a Sisters Forever bracelet, which was also white gold. I gave them each a long tender hug.

Elle and Henry got each other wedding bands for the first time. It was such a sentimental gesture. They kissed each other passionately until I had to clear my throat for them to remember I was right there.

They opened my present to them last. I got Elle a gold-chained necklace that had a gold painters brush. On the back of it in very tiny print I personally engraved, said 'Sisters for Eternity'. She was speechless and hugged me tightly.

I got Henry a genuine leather belt with a sterling silver belt buckle of a possum. He laughed and thanked me. He really did love it because it reminded him of the good times we've had together.

We continued to sit near the Christmas tree and talk. We all admired our gifts from one another and I heard many satisfied sighs.

I caught their thoughts on each other and knew it was time for me to step out but as I stepped out on to the porch I felt danger approaching.

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