"Thank you," Clarke huffed, rubbing on her wrist,"That lifted a dead weight off of me, literally."

The brunette returned the smile, but you could see the corners turn into a soft grimace, as she knew she'd regret doing that later. She watched as Clarke picked up the bracelet, and handed it towards Monty.

"How did you-" Monty questioned, watching as the soft buzz of electricity still rung out throughout the bracelet.

"A magician never reveals her secret," Harvey smirked, as she stood up to stand over the two,"You gonna try and get in contact with the ark... with that small ass thing?"

"You undermine me, Harv," Monty smirked,"if I can patch it through the dropship mainframe, I should be able to create a radio signal strong enough to contact the ark," Monty geeked out, as he made Bear hold the bracelet, as he played around with the wires he had ripped apart, and put back together again within the walls of the dropship.

"So, when do you think you can get it working?" Bear wondered, as she held a light with her other hand, slightly sitting on the bench across from her nerdy friend.

"Around nightfall- Hey, you should be resting," Monty wondered, as he went to grasp the objects in her hand, to which Bear moved out of his reach.

"Bitch, please, rest is for the weak," She smirked,"and beside, you couldn't do shit without me."

Monty quirked up an eyebrow at the brunette beside him, his eyes slightly grazing over the hole within her dress that showed an ungodly amount of plastering.

"I think I can survive just fine," Monty joked, as he went back to plucking wires from the wall.

He paused as he heard a soft snort from Harvey, as she worked to stifle a laugh, because: one, it hurt when she laughed, and two she didn't want to hurt the little boys feelings.

"So, hows the stomach?" Monty asked, as both his arms shot up inside the hole within the wall.

"Hm," Harvey hummed, her hand softly touching the spot that was still tender from the spear accident,"How do you describe feeling good after being speared not to long ago?"

"Sorry," he huffed, slightly annoyed at himself for ruining the good mood.

"Hey, Monty," Harvey smiled, placing the hand that still held the torch on his shoulder, she turned the boy around.

Kissing the side of his face, she smiled, as her lips pulled away. All it leaves is a little wet mark, a small pool of saliva on the boys cheek.
But, to Month, the warmth from that kiss spread throughout his body, filling up his head with a soft hum. His heart beat hard against his chest, his hand softly clasping over it, worried that the grounders would be able to hear it.

His face turned as red as a sunset.

"Yeah... Yeah- I, um, well you know- I should-" he stuttered, as he awkwardly spun around and pointed towards the hole,"Ark- I, uh,"

The giggle built up inside Bear like that of a water in a dam, making her shoulders shake and her belly hurt. When it finally erupted from her mouth, it sounded more like a dying donkey, as she fought to breathe and stifle the tears.

"I'm ok Moo," she reached up and softly pinched his cheeks,"you're so cute when you're flustered- you're going to make a girl real happy one day."

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