Rise of The Turtles (part 1)

Start from the beginning

A tear slid down to her cheek; she swiped it away.

Today's a joyful day, remember, she scolded herself before she dressed up.

Not a single glance was given to the mirror afterwards.


Hot tea and cinnamon quickly filled her nostrils. She smiled, knowing that Splinter was awake and already had made his morning tea. It didn't surprise her at all when she saw a cup full of tea on the table of the kitchen. After all he knew that Rowan had to do the groceries. He was the one who permitted her to dismiss that morning's training.

Taking the cup, Rowan sipped the hot liquid with pleasure, feeling it running through her organs and warming them. A peaceful smile crossed her lips. Then, she took another sip.

Her left free hand drew out of the pocket of her black hooded jacket a folded piece of paper. There was a name written with red ink and it drew her attention for a couple of minutes. Later on, she placed it on the table, next to her empty cup.

At the same time, her thoughts ran elsewhere. Certainly, they ran to a turtle with a blue mask who always made her blush red.

It was Leonardo, yes.

Leo (as he was called by his brothers) and Rowan had been best friends from the very beginning of their meeting. Sharing secrets, training very often, loving tea and books, the two always found a way to spend their day together and have fun.

...Well, not always.

You see, Leo was a huge fan of an old cartoon show called Space Heroes and especially to its main protagonist, Captain Ryan. There were few times that the turtle mimicked some of Captain's phrases, deepening his voice, taking his stance and adopting his look. That annoyed everybody causing the turtle to receive hateful comments each day, most of them coming from Raphael and Rowan who never lost a chance to twitch the blue banded.

Many of these comments led to stormy arguments between the trio but in the end, Raph and Leo fought by themselves.

The smile reappeared on her lips as she jumped above the turnstiles and walked away. She was lucky, yes, by all means to be a member of that unusual family.


That morning would have been the same, like any other. For him wasn't.

...Well, that could be specified some hours later.

Leonardo (Leo for short), stood up from his cozy and warm bed, tying up his blue bandana that he always wore around his sapphire blue eyes. And after a quick scan of his dark room, he exited it. Whilst heading to the kitchen, his ears caught snorings coming from his brothers' room, added with some mutterings from Michelangelo.

"Not that candy Mr Bear, the other one-"

Shaking his green head, Leo cracked a small smile. He kept walking to the kitchen with the smell of cinnamon filling his nostrils. He hoped to see a certain person there. Instead of a person, the kitchen greeted him with an empty cup, a piece of paper and silence.

Curious, the young turtle took the paper, seeing that his name was written on it. He recognized the handwriting; it was Rowan's, his best friend.

But... Rowan never left letters to him. In fact, she never wrote letters.

He began to read it as his curiosity grew more each minute.


I'm gone for grocery shopping, like I believe you have noticed. You know how it goes, I get back late with lots of bags and all of sudden disappear. Curse Mickey and his hunger for that. And that I won't be at training with you guys today; I may do some when I get back, I dunno.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now