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*Becky's P.o.v.*

Well hi there. I'm Becky Gomez and yeah I'm 16. I'm a sporty-girl type and I prefer grey sweaters and black jeans over tight dresses and mini skirts with a half shirt which I believe are called "Crop Tops"? Well yeah anyway, I don't have many friends but I don't mind, they're the weird type which is my type of people, haha. So my best friend is Jasmin Maltenado. She's the best, she helped me through thick and thin she is still always here for me, I love her like my very own sister. I'm always here for her when she needs someone to talk to, it's what best friends do. There's also this boy... His name is Austin. He's got me under his fucking spell and I'm trapped. I can't get out of the love I have for him. It's like his name is tattooed on my heart or something and I hate that I love him. He's a jerk but yet I still go back to him. Yes I know then it's my fault but it's not technically mine, it's stupid love. Love is nothing but full of heartache. You're probably wondering what happened between him and I, we use to hate each other so fucking much in 7th grade. We use to pick on each other and physically fight well I was so close to giving him a broken nose but my friend pulled me away from him as he laughed like a little 5 year old. I then found out why I treated him badly it was because I developed feelings for him that I didn't want to accept. The thing is it wasn't all my fault he did start it. We then later apologized to each other for that and agreed that it was both of our faults. That summer we got together for the first time and we didn't last long only 2 days because he got on my nerves and kept assuming that I was cheating on him when I didn't. Then came 8th grade we kind of became friends again and we started texting each other more until I realized I did fall for him and I fell hard. I told him that I liked him still and he just kept flirting with me. Then soon after, we graduated middle school the next summer we got together again and he said he wasn't ready for a girlfriend yet so we just flirted. And now here I am in class writing homework down on my journal. Till next time!

*Austin's P.o.v.*

Well hey there! I'm 16! And I love to run its a passion I have for it. I love music that's one of the many things I have in common with... Becky. Well you're probably wondering who Becky is, she is a girl who so happens to be my ex. I did like her but not that much anymore. I have a girlfriend, Camila Cabello. I'm in love with her and seriously I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have her as mine. As for Becky and I we're friends although we don't talk much now but I have my other friends to talk to so it doesn't matter. I hope she's doing fine though. Well I'd love to stay and tell you more about my life but I have to go meet up with Camila, let's just say my life right now is going great! Later.

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