Under his spell

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* A few days later*
I'm now at school, currently walking with Dana to our fourth period.

"I told her Dana, I warned her so many times to not fall for Austin and his little tricks. She's not listening so when she gets hurt she better not come crying to me." I said taking a deep breath soon after.

"Same here, I warned her too I told her all those lies he told you so if she doesn't listen vamos a ver como le va(a/n: Translating for those who don't soeak spanish- 'vamos a ver como le va' means we'll see how it goes for her)."

"Yeah, exactly." I say as we walk up the first set of stairs and made a left turn at the corner of our first period class passing by some of our friends. I see Austin, we only made a 2 second eye contact but I rolled my eyes as I made me way to the next set of stairs with Dana.

"Did you see that?" I ask Dana. She nods and rolled her eyes,

"He's stupid. Let's go or we're going to be late." She says trying to make us walk quicker.

"No, you know what. I'm just going to tell him in person." I said as I got out of her grip and walked up to him.

"Go ahead and ask Kassie out. I don't care." I said in his face.

"Uhm okay?" He says in a puzzled look.

"Yeah. I don't care just letting you know. Go for it!" I said with a fake smile for him before I walked away. He doesn't know how much I wanted to freaking punch him at that moment for leading me on... again.

*At lunch*
I walk out with Dana to the front of the band room. We always hang around there waiting for Maria, well I do since Dana goes with her boy friend. Maria came up to us as we just stand there on our phones, Dana quickly looks up and said,

"I'mma go with Tristen I'll see you two later."

I put my phone back into my pocket and turned to Maria.

"Dude, I have stuff to tell you." I sigh.

"I know... Kassie told me everything about her and Austin." She sighs as well.

"He lead me on... again!" I say as I looked to a group of kids walking behind us trying to not make any eye contact with anyone.

"He's a little bastard, who just wants to get into your pants that's all or probably something is going on right now like his feelings changing or he just might be confused. I can find out for you if you want." She says.

"Please? I hate that he does this to me all the time." I say as I look down to find a leaf laying there.

"Okay, I'll find out. Also I know he needs to stop and realize what he's doing... it's not right."

"I know. He first said that he liked me but now he's telling Kassie that he wants to ask her out." I sigh in frustration once again.

"He's stupid to be honest. If he knows that he has feelings for two girls at the same time.. why tell them? Or do something to prove that he does? I really don't get him at all." She says. I see Austin walk past us to the library, how would I know that he's going? Because he always goes with his cousin and her best friend. Maria looks to where I was looking at to see him laughing about something Joe said, Joe's his cousin's best friend. She's pretty to be honest, no wonder Austin use to have this big crush on her before, she has black silky wavy hair and milk colored skin with pretty big eyes. I had no chance with going up against her trying to win Austin's heart it was a good thing she kept rejecting him every time he'd asked her out.

"Did you know Abby got dumped by Jim?" Maria asked which made me snap back into reality.

"Who? Austin's cousin, Abby? Tim dumped her after two months together?" I asked in shock. Abby loved Tim since she started here at the school, once she found out that he liked her back she was very happy, even more happy when he asked her out. Now, no wonder they haven't talked and probably the reason why Abby looks so depressed.

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