Saturday Date

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***Becky's P.o.v.***

Finally! It's Saturday! I needed a break from watching Camila and Austin, all the kissing and hugging, just yuck. Austin texted me that he was already waiting for me at the movie theater I was barely walking there myself. I had a whole lot of explaining to tell my parents but I'll do it all later they can't keep me from doing stuff that I want to do myself in my life for once, they always control me.

'On my way (: - Becky'

It took me at least 10 minutes to get there because I had to walk to the bus stop and then wait till the bus got there, what a great date so far.. I hope you could tell my sarcasm when I say that.  I got off of the bus and saw Austin with a black shirt and black skinny jeans with a beanie hiding his hair, I walked up to him and said,

"Hey... you look nice." I said with a small smile.

"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself." He says as we walk to the line to buy tickets. I don't know if its just me or that we just said that wrong.. why is this date awkward as hell? Ugh.

"One ticket to X-men Days of the future past." He says to the clerk as soon as he got his ticket he waited for me when I got mine. Looks like I did pay for my ticket.. but its alright I don't mind.

"Want any beverages?" He asks and I shook my head, I didn't bring enough money so I rather just watch the movie. He let me walk in front of him looking for seats.

"Here?" I asked pointing to the row of empty chairs.

"I guess, after you." He smiles.

"Thanks." I said taking a seat and he took the seat next to mine as well. This isn't the kind of date I thought it would be. I sigh and watched the movie begin... I shouldn't really care I love being with Austin.

*40 minutes into the movie*

This whole time he's just been moving to find a comfort spot in the chair, I know I get it the chairs are not really comfortable when you're on a date I get it, I just felt eyes on me most of the time in the movie but when I turn to look at him he's watching the movie as well.

"Stop  moving so much." I whispered with a short laugh.

"I can't help it these seats are uncomfortable." He says.

"Lies." I laugh a little bit more and then watched the rest of the X-Men movie.

*After the movie*

It was awkwardly silent at first but I broke it asking,

"So did you like the movie?" 

"Yeah, I guess it was alright." He says.

"Okay that's good I guess." I said and letting it be awkward once again.

"Look I have to go but I'll talk to you later." I said as he nodded, I began to walk away and then he began to walk to his car. Now I'm near the street light waiting to cross but I heard a beep behind me which made me stop and turn around.

"Becky! You should've told me you needed a ride!" Austin says through the window.

"Yeah but I didn't want to bother you." I said in a low voice.

"Its no bother just get in before the light turns." He says unlocking the door, I got in and put the seat belt on.

"I was better off walking Austin." I sigh.

"How? You could get hurt by people out there and who knows maybe even kidnapped! I know where you live Becky how did you even think of coming walking by yourself?" 

"I wanted to come see the movie with you I wasn't going to tell you I can't go because I don't have a ride. You know why I don't have a car and you know how my parents are, also I know how to defend myself Austin I'm not some little girl I know how to do things myself." I sighed.

"Yeah I know that Becky but I just want you to be safe and not get hurt alright?" He says.

"Fine, thanks for the lift." I said ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. After what seemed like a long drive,

"Hey just park it right here a few houses away from mine cause if my parents-"

"Yeah I know they'll beat the living sense out of you. I know." He sighs.

"Why you are sighing?" I asked I think he's annoyed... do I keep saying that about my parents to him?

"I'm tired of you always getting hurt by them you know you have your own freedom to do anything you want they don't always have to control you." He says.

"I know that Austin and I'm working on it... I'm going to disappear from them one day and then I'll finally have my freedom then but for now I have to do whatever they say or I get it." I sigh.

"Don't disappear, disappear.. I want to see you still." He says with a small smile.

"I won't, thanks bye." I said with a small grin as I get out of the car. I began to walk to my house after a few minutes of thinking what to say to my parents... what excuse can I come up with this time.

"BECKY WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU?!" My mother yells as I walk in.

"I went out." I said as I try to get to my room but my father pulled me by my arm and threw me onto the couch.

"TELL US WHERE YOU WERE MISSY YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE TILL YOU TELL US!" He yelled as well making me flinch. I hate all this yelling and arguing especially the yelling part always scared me when I was a kid.

"I said I went out, with my friends they wanted to meet up all we did was buy candy and talked that's all." I said calmly trying not to yell as well.


"Well I did. Also I can go out if I want I am allowed to hang out with my friends its not a crime or anything." I said looking down at my hands.

"Yeah I get that! Don't talk back to me!" My mom says as she continues to yell but this time a little bit lower so our neighbors wouldn't hear.

"Okay okay I'm sorry can I go to my room now?" I asked.

"Sure after you do loads of chores we listed for you while you were out." My father says throwing the notepad at my face then he sat down in his lazy chair and took a long nice sip from his whiskey. My mother went back to sitting down on her couch taking care of my little sister. All this because I went out on a date... who cares it was worth it... I went on that date with Austin. 




////A\N\\\\\: I know this kind of sucked but hey its going to get better soon I promise! Also please vote and comment!! <3 {Go checkout my new Becstin Fanfic called 'Summer School' I already uploaded the first chapter I hope you like it!}

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