He's happy

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*The next day*
I woke up and threw some black ripped jeans and a black and white stripped shirt on, I brushed my hair and left it separated on my shoulders. I grabbed a black knitted sweater and threw it on, I then reached under my bed for my black and white chucks, as soon as I grabbed them I pulled them out and threw them on.

I still can't believe I went back to being 'friends' with Austin last night. We talked till 3 in the morning, he's my favorite person to talk to every night. Sometimes, even though he can make me feel like I'm a piece of shit when he tells me stuff about how he could care less about the stuff I talk about. He says he still "loves" me, I don't know though... he's probably just messing with me again. I walked into the school and checked the time '7:40' the bell rings in 4 minutes for Homeroom so I'm good. I looked for an empty lunch table outside and sat there listening to music, 'Oh Well, Oh Well by Mayday Parade' is my favorite song at the moment so its on repeat.

"I'm not the one who sings her to sleep and I've been talking to god asking for just a little help with you.." I sang quietly as I solved the fifth problem on my math homework. Yeah, I know, "Why didn't you do your homework since you've had lots of time to spare last night?"

Here's the thing with me. I'm very emotional and I can't control it.. if I'm sad I'll be sad for the rest of the week if someone tries to make me happy and such I'll smile but only for them to not see me sad. When I get depressed like now I don't feel like doing anything, that's why I never pass my tests I never prepare for them. My grades are below a 2.5 GPA. I don't even think I'll graduate by the time I get to the 12th grade, it'll be a miracle if I do. I'm just that kind of person to let everything get to me and worrying about other people like Austin that I get lost in my studies. I don't blame them, I blame myself for being too stupid to pass anything and not preparing myself for it. As I tried to solve the 6th problem the bell rang, I rolled my eyes and closed my binder. I grab my backpack and stuffed it in there, I got up and walked to my class.

"Becky!" I hear my best friend yell my name.

"Well isn't it my best friend in the whole wide world? How have you been Jasmin?" I asked after I gave her a hug, I lowered the volume on my phone down to listen to what she had to say.

"Well I guess it's going good. I'm not getting anywhere with Angel though.." She sighs.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"He says he doesn't like me how he used to like me... I think we are better off staying as friends." She says.

"No, keep trying I'm sure he likes you back. Knowing Angel he can't get over a girl that fast!" I say.

"You never know he can change his mind a lot."

"Yeah.. you're probably right but I'm not saying anything till he drops some hints!" She smiles before she turns to the left and walks to her class while I shake my head with a smile walking straight to my class.

*Fast Forward to lunch break*
I walked out of class and down the flight of stairs catching up with Maria

"Hey Maria." I said.

"Oh hey Becks, you know I found out a few things about Austin.." She says.

"Really?" I ask, she nods.

"Well turns out he's confused about his feelings and thats why he is thinking of getting back with Camila." She says,

"What? Then why does he keep telling Kassie that he's interested in her and that he wants to get back with Camila? He needs to explain because I'm lost. He says he has feelings for me, now I'm hearing he's saying that to another girl and then I find out he wants to get back with Camila?"

"Yeah.. I know its confusing but you just got to let him be, give him some space to think." She says.

"I'll give him plenty of time but its just that he won't be thinking... he'll know by then what he wants to do and he's choosing the hard way." I said.

"Just let him as long as you watch out and don't get hurt." She says.

"Yeah I know thanks." I said as I turned my head to find Austin smiling and laughing with what his friends were saying. I sigh and say,

"He looks happy either way." I whispered.

"What was that?" Maria asks with a confused look on her face.

"Nothing." I said as time flew the bell rang.

He's happy.


Hey chipmunks! So sorry I haven't updated in a looooong time! Now I'm back writing more chapters for the stories I'm updating! Well I hipe you like this chapter even though it sucked. Vote and Comment!<3

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