Make ups and Break ups

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***** 5 weeks later*****
Austin explained to me about what had happened and why he was thinking of going to Kassie about his feelings. He says that he was scared if I never had the same feelings for him in return. Honestly, that's pretty stupid because I have told him many times before that I have liked him for quite a long while now. Anyway, we're back to the way things were which is us being in love with one another and yeah.. that's about it. So here I am with Maria at lunch now,

"Kassie is really sad right now... she hates Austin." She says.

"Why is that?" I asked. No she doesn't know anything yet, I'm planning to tell her later though.

"Austin never asked her out and he's not talking to her much now... so she feels like he played her. Which he did." She says.

"I told her, you already know that." I said looking up at Austin laughing with his friends.

"Yeah I know... hey what's up with you both? You haven't told me anything that's been happening for a few weeks now.." She says.

"Sorry, a lot has been happening. So... he and I are back to talking, he says he's in love with me but I don't really believe him after what Jacob had told me." I said.

"Oh no.." Maria says.

"Yeah.. he told me that Austin's in love with Camila." I sigh.

"What are you going to do now? You know he's not going to give you the same attention." She says.

"Actually he will because he's not talking to anyone now and he replies a lot faster."

"Rebbeca. You don't know that if he's talking to other people." She says.

"I guess you're right... it's been 5 weeks now and he still doesn't want a relationship but yet he tells me he loves me and stuff. I don't get it.. this is why I have a hard time believing him now." I said.

"Becky, if he doesn't want a relationship and he's still telling you all this... could also mean that he's just trying to hurt you again."

"Maria... you know I love him." I sighed once again.

"I know you do Becks. You can't let him get to you though."

"Okay." I said looking over at him once again. He looked back at me now and made a weird face, I giggled.

"Have you heard about Camila lately?" Maria asks.

"No, why what happened ?" I asked.

"She's in the hospital."

"For what?"

"She tried to kill herself last night. Luckily, they found her in time and saved her."

"Oh my.." I said.

"This is all my fault." I added.

"Well she was happy with Austin and Austin did look happy with her... but it's not your fault! It's his fault, he makes his own decisions that affect others." She says. I look down at my chucks, what did I do?

"Come on let's get close to class the bell will ring shortly." She says then we began to walk past by Austin and his group of friends. I looked at him with sad eyes and continued to walk with Maria.

****After school****
I was walking home and I checked to see if I had any messages from Austin and turns out I didn't. I sighed once again feeling this hole in my chest,

"Why do you do this to me?" I asked myself. I looked up and looked across the street,

"Hey don't do that!" I hear a laugh behind me. It was Austin and Abby, Austin sent me a look and so did Abby. I can't tell whether she likes me or not... there's some days when she does and then there are days like these when she doesn't.

"Austin... is that her?" I heard from behind, I walked even faster and finally ended up in the front porch of my apartment.

What was he telling her about me?

***An hour later***
I was cleaning the bathroom as I recieved a message from Austin,

"Hey." Was all that he had sent me.

"Um, Hi?" I responded and put my phone down trying to sweep the last of the hair my mom had left down there after she cut it. My phone began to ring and I answered saying,


"Hey Becks." Austin spoke. I rolled my eyes,

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing, is everything okay?" He asks.

"Who was that girl you were walking with?" I asked trying not to sound jealous.

"That was my cousin, Abby." He says.

"Hmm okay, well I have to text you in a bit I'm pretty busy right now so bye." I said but before he could say anything I hung up.

***The week after***
It's Monday and I'm really late for school so I decided to just walk the rest of the way to class since I'm already on the second floor but before I even reached my classroom I heard laughter coming from my left. I turned and saw Austin and Abby kissing, what?? No, no this can't be.. that's not right. I shook my head and looked closely at them,  it was Austin and Abby. He opened his eyes and saw me as they began to kiss even more. My eyes watered and I speed walked to class, this can't be.

****Fast Forward to lunch****
I haven't talked all day today. Maria knew what was going on and she couldn't keep her eyes off of them,

"How though..? They're related how can that be?!" She asks for the millionth time. I sigh and said,

"I don't know but he did it once again. Atleast he won't be bugging me anymore." I got up and threw away the apple that was only biten once. Maria follows and walks me to the other side of the campus.

"That's gross. Just revolting.. their blood related."

"Well they don't seem to care much." I added.

"But you care... right?" She asks. I sighed looking down at my converse as we walked.

"Nope. Not at all." I lied.

"Okay, you're lying. I know you... are you okay atleast?" She asks.

"Yeah." I squeaked lowly. I felt tears form my eyes once again and took a deep breath in then let it out.

"Rebbeca. You're not okay. Just look at you... you're a mess." She sighs.

"What do you expect? I'm in love with him and he just doesn't love me."

"It will get better though. You don't need him Becks.."She says.

"I sure hope so." I say as I look up and felt a drop of water falling onto my face.

"Maria, it's going to rain. Put your hood on!" I said. Sure enough.. it began to pour. We ran back to the band room to keep us from getting even more soaked.

I'm updating moooorrrre!!! (: Hope you all like it! Vote and comment please!<3

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