She's my best friend

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*Fast forward to 4 months later*
Well these past few months everything has been going kind of good so far. Austin and I talked everything out and turns out he still loves me back! Too bad we can't be together like as a couple, I honestly don't know why. He says he loves me and that he won't ever hurt me again, so I gave him another chance but I don't really know if we're together or not we just flirt. Right now we are on spring break and I'm texting my bae,

*Text convo*
Austin: Hey
Me: Hi
Austin: What's up?
Me: The sky..
Austin: I ment like what are you doing today, you dummy.
Me: Nothing much what about you?
Austin: Same. Let's meet up!
Me: Alright, in front of the school?
Austin: Yeah(: see ya there

*End of convo*

I walked into my room and threw on a gray long sleeved shirt with some blue dark jeans and white/gray converse. I brushed my hair and just let it fall on my shoulders. I grab my phone and shoved it in my jean pocket then made my way into the living room.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mom asks.

"Can I go for a walk? I'm going to call Maria, we're planning on meeting up to hang out sometime so I just need to talk to her for a while." I lied. She looks at me, scanning me to make sure I wasn't lying.

"Hmm.... alright. Just have your phone on, I'll call you to come home and if you don't answer the first time, that phone will be mine and you'll be grounded for a month!" She snapped. I nod and walk outside.

"Stupid bitch." I whispered. I walked out and crossed the neighbor's front lawn and headed to the front steps of the school. My phone buzzed and I saw a message from Austin on my phone screen.

'Austin: On my way'

I replied with,

'Me: Already in front of the school see ya in a few.'

I feel nervous... why am I so nervous? I shouldn't be. It's just Austin. I sat down on the set of stairs that lead to hell, waiting for Austin to arrive.

*5 minutes later*
I sighed and looked at the cars driving by,

"Psst." I heard someone say. I quickly looked to my right to find Austin smiling like a goof ball. I got up and walked in front of him,

"Well look who finally arrived." I said trying to control my breathing. He chuckles and says,

"Why are you so nervous? You shouldn't be nervous around me."

"M-me? Ner-nervous? I'm never n-nervous!" I fake laughed.

"Mhm, sure. You don't usually studder when you talk." He said.

"I-I know, sorry I don't know why I'm acting like this." I said breathing in and out.

"It's alright." He giggles.

"Where to now?" I ask.

"Uhm, up the hill then back down?" He asks.

"Sure." I said as we begin to walk.

*5 minutes later in awkward silence*
"Why are you quiet? We are hanging out so you can tell me what's going on and just everything about you." He smiles.

"And why me?" I ask.

"Because, you know a lot about me due to my ex." He rolls his eyes.

"I know that you're not a horrible person Austin, you just made her upset because of the break up. I know that you're a great person not a mean one." I said. He looks at me and sends me a smile,

"Thanks. Atleast you believe me and not Camila since you know you two are friends." He says.

"I don't really know what to believe from anyone so I just go with my own vibes, if I like you and I feel comfortable I don't care what people say it's my opinion whether I like you or not. That's how I am with people." I said.

"Wow, you're different. I like that." He smiles one again. The butterflies in my stomach won't calm down, I have this weird feeling about him but I kind of like it.

*About an hour later*
We are now making our last round back in front of the school, he talked mostly about him and his friends and family, while I just stayed quiet and listened to his beautiful soft voice. I was about to say something when my mom walked out of the house, I'm guessing she's looking for me. Crap!

"A-Austin I got to go, I'll text you later. Don't leave till I tell you when it's time." I said. I pull out my phone from my jeans pocket and pretended that I was on the phone with Maria. I look over to my mom and she gave me the 'Come inside' look, after I nodded she turns around and walks back in. I sigh in relief,

"Okay you can go." I said.

"Damn, hiding me from your parents already?" He smirks. I laugh and gently playfully pushed him,

"Shut up, bye." I said as I walked back across the street.

*A week later*
Everything was going well after that day we met up but until now. He hasn't been in the mood to talk to me lately, he's ignoring me. I don't bother texting him because he always makes me feel like I annoy the shit out of him then it makes me feel alone. Now I'm texting my friend Kassie, she's best friends with Austin and I've only known her since the first year of middle school.

*Text Convo between Kassie and Becky*
Kassie: ...guess what..
Becky: Whats up?
Kassie: Austin just asked me something and I don't know how to reply..
Becky: What did he ask you?.-.
Kassie: He asked me what would I say if he were to ask me out.
Becky: Oh.. uhm.. just think about it. He said he likes me but I guess he lied. Just watch your back Kass... I wouldn't trust him.
Kassie: ... I'm sorry... he also told me that he was going to talk to you about it that he doesn't really like you and if it was okay for him to ask me out.
Becky: Whatever, do whatever you want just don't fall for his dumb fucking tricks.

*End of convo*
If there was only one word to describe all of this shit... its hurt. Hurt because he lied to me and hurt because he likes to play with me like this. I wantedto change him but I guess I'm not the girl who can be able to do that for him. He's his own person, he's a dumb person I wish I never had even met him this isn't the first time he's done this. I grab my phone once again and sent him a message which said,

"Whatever. Do whatever you want. I don't care it's your life not mine. If you're going to ask Kassie out then go fucking ahead.. just don't hurt her. She's a good person who doesn't deserve hurt like I'm hurting right now because of you."

After a few minutes I hear a beep which made my heart sink again, I don't know how he reacted, I don't want to know either but.. I need to know. I flip my phone back up facing me reading the message,

"Why would I hurt her? She's my best friend."

There it is.. my heart broke into a million tiny pieces. I felt like I was unable to breath, I can't believe it. I just told him how I'm hurting and he doesn't care.

"Just don't." Was all I typed and sent to him.

I hear another beep, this couldn't be Austin because Austin is a slow typer. I see Kassie's name pop up on my screen.

"Well, I just ended our friendship. I don't want to get hurt and you're warning me to not get my hopes up so to keep me safe is to not have any contact with him. Even though I feel really sad right now, I need to do whats best." It said.

Fuck. I just ruined their friendship. Ugh.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault! Ugh! If I wasn't so fucking worried about you getting hurt you'd still be best friends with him." I sent.

"No it's okay. It's not yours it's mine. I told him I was scared to get hurt and that we shouldn't be friends anymore."

Wow. No thanks for watching out for me? Alright then.

"Ugh. I'll talk to you later please don't be sad I'm sorry." I sent. After that I got no messages.

I just ruined their friendship, and I feel horrible.

Here it is! Finally another chapter for this story!!! I hope you like it even though it was wack but whatever xP comment and vote my lovely chipmunks! <3

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