2 A.M.

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 *The next day at school*

I was walking with Maria during lunch to the band room area where we usually stay and talk about stuff. We finally got there and then we saw her, Camila, with Austin having his arms wrapped around her waist with a big smile on his face but then once he saw me he looked down to the floor. I made an awkward face expression... what should I do? Why are they here? They're usually hanging around the other side of the campus because of Camila's hangout spot with her group of friends. Once she saw Maria and I she walked up to us making Austin whisper something into her ear before he walked away they kissed for a while making my heart sink a bit. She looks at us and greets us with a smile,

"Hey guys." She says.

"Hey Cam!" I smile back.

"Hey." Maria says.

"So how's it going?" I asked.

"Good, but Agustin's still mad at me even though he doesn't act like it... he is." She sighs.

"Oh but he'll probably get over it, its going to take some time." I say.

"Yeah I know. I just don't know if he will ever give me another chance if I fuck up again." She says,

"Then don't. Camila if you really love Austin then avoid everything that can cause you two to break up." I said as Maria kept quiet. 

"Thanks, I will try its just that I don't think Austin will give it a try though he's been really distant lately.. can you talk to him?" She asks me and my eyes widened but I quickly acted as if it was no big deal,

"Uh yeah I'll try but I can't promise you that he'll listen to me... you know we aren't really quite friends. Remember?" I asked.

"Yeah.. but at least someone talked to him who I can trust." She says.

"Alright but isn't he mad at me?" I asked.

"No... why would he be mad at you?" She said as her and Maria both looked at me with puzzled expressions.

"Oh no it's because I thought he said something like as if he was mad at me or something, we aren't really good friends like we used to be." I said.

"Oh yeah.. no he didn't say anything about being mad at you, but if you knew that you guys aren't really good friends then why would you ask that still?" She asks.

"Its also because I want to try to be friends with him so that I can talk to you guys like how normal friends do to help you guys out instead of it always being hatred and awkward with him and not you." I said.

"That sounds good just that recently I brought you up into this conversation we had and I asked him if he ever regretted hurting you." She said leaving me at cliff hanger not telling me what he said till I eagerly asked her,

"He just said that yeah he regrets it a whole lot because he feels bad for hurting you before and after you guys were together." She said with a puzzled look on her face watching me have a little joy inside because he didn't mean to hurt me, I quickly went back to my 'normal' self and pretended that it was cool.

"Oh well tell him that I'm sorry too for hurting him before we got together.. well anyways that's not important because what is important now is that you and him have a strong relationship avoiding everything bad that happened that caused you both to break up a lot.

"Thanks! Becky you're my #1!" She smiles before hugging me then walks to where Austin is at, I look over to what they were doing which looked like Camila made Austin wrap his arms around her waist once again, he was smiling and then he stopped as soon as he looked at me. I sigh.. he does look happy with her... maybe I shouldn't come in between them. 

"How am I going to do this?" I asked Maria.

"I don't know but you're not going to get through it alone, you'll have me but first you need to come up with what are you going to tell Austin the stuff Camila told you." She says.

"I will try! I don't know if its going to work." I sighed.

"It will but isn't it going to be weird because you're his ex who is still in love with him trying to help his current girlfriend keep a relationship with him, who is also your close friend?" Maria says,

"Yeah I know it's crazy.. I don't know how I'm going to get through all of this." I said.

"You will, you always find a way, and you always go through with it." Maria says making me feel a bit better.

*Later that day*

I'm laying on my bed listening to music then I hear a bing go off pausing my music. I look to find a text from Austin,

'Hey - Austin'

'Hi - Becky'

'Wyd? - Austin'

'Nothing much listening to music wbu? - Becky'

'Same - Austin'

'We have to talk, Austin.. - Becky'

'About? - Austin'

'Our movie date on Saturday and Camila..  - Becky'

'I know.. I'm guessing you're feeling guilty and you don't want to go. - Austin'

'Wait you feel that way too? - Becky'

'Not really but just a little.. anyway just go on Saturday and then on Monday I'll break it off with her - Austin'

'What?! No, you're going to crush her! - Becky'

'But I like you! - Austin'

'It's your choice.. I just hope she doesn't take it too bad. - Becky' 

'Okay - Austin'

I still feel bad though... I should have never told him about those feelings I have for him. Now thanks to me Camila's going to be heart broken on Monday. Can anything else go wrong in my life at this point? Ugh. I need to think things through because Austin is capable of changing his mind fast and then BAM! Instant heart break again. We texted the rest of the night till morning and then I fell asleep around 2 a.m. like always.

2 a.m.





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