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I didn't fall asleep till 3 in the morning, my eyes were burning after crying for so many hours. My throat was hurting as well, and my headache came back but stronger. Why am I not good enough for him? I trusted him and all he does is play stupid. I hate these dumb games he plays, I don't like them at all.

I look out my window and stared at the sky, it looks so pretty. I checked my phone to see if he texted me at least once yesterday... but he didn't. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, I can't text him because it wouldn't matter I decided to call Jacob  we are way too close to call ourselves "best friends" so we just stuck with brother/sister. I trust him with everything... even my own life besides Maria. Don't get me wrong, Maria has always been there for me through thick and thin, just that she and I don't really talk that much out of school unless if we hang out or something. She also has her best friend, and I have mine so I guess it shouldn't really matter.

"Hey Jacob." I said through the phone.

"Why the fuck are you up at 3 in the morning?" He asks.

"I couldn't sleep... I received some news today." I said to him.

"Hmm... what is it?" He says in a worried tone.

"Austin and Camila... had sex the other night." My voice cracked.

".....Rebbeca." He sighs.

"Yeah.... why don't you sound surprised?" I asked.

"Because he told me that he was going to do it. He's really in love with Camila, I'm sorry." He says.

"B-But he told me that he loved me.. Jacob do you know how fucking stupid I feel?!" My voice rose up a bit, suddenly I felt my blood boil through my veins.

"I'm sorry, Rebbeca! What did you want me to do?! Tell you ahead of time so you could have been more miserable?! No! I wasn't going to do that!" He says in an angry tone.

"Well, now I'm way more miserable. He lead me on... AGAIN! He tried getting at one of my closest friends and thanks to him, I'm not friends with her anymore! I lost a very good friend because of him! Now, he not only hurt me but when she finds out... SHE'S GOING TO BE HURT AND SHE DOESN'T DESERVE IT!" I yelled a bit.

"REBBECA! YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS JUST NOW?! Ugh, let me calm down and you do the same."

"Alright." I sighed.

"Look, you don't deserve to go through this hell hole either, but hey there is a light a the end of the tunnel just keep going." He says.

"When will it end?" I asked.

"You'll see when you get there. I'm not going to lie to you and say that it will get better, you'll just get better at dealing with the obstacles life will throw at you."

"Thanks... Jacob what in the world would I do without you?!" I laughed a little.

"I don't know probably be asleep and having to deal with this shit alone?" He laughs along.

"Damn, my life would be very boring."

"You got that right." He says.

"Well, I'm gonna go. My phone is about to die so I'll talk to you later." I yawned.

"You are so going to regret staying up in a few hours for school." He says before he ends the call.

Before I could even plug the charger into my phone, I fell asleep.

*****A few hours later******

"Becks! Wake up! Time for school, get ready!" My mom wakes me, when is she ever nice in the morning?

"Alright, I'm up!" I said as I quickly threw on the shirt I had ready. I felt really drained about having to go to school today,

"Mom, can I stay home today?" I asked.

"Hell no! Hurry the fuck up and get dressed!"

"Now, there is the mother I know and don't love!" I said to myself as soon as she walks out of my room.

I hope Austin doesn't go to school today, I'm not really in the mood for my heart to not breakeven again.




//////A\N\\\\\\\: Sorry chipmunks! I'm really tired but here is a short update! I'l update as soon as I can tomorrow! <3

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