Kaeyis Preggerssss

232 11 4

20th November 2014

//Martyn's PoV\\

"Hey kaeyi I'm gonna tell everyone about you today if that's ok? I can't keep it in any longer"
"You know what? I was going to tell you to today aswell" well I guess everyone's going to find out today.
I call lewis.
(M-Martyn L-Lewis)
M- hey lewis
L- hey Martyn what's up?
M- can you call a meeting for me?
L- yeah sure but why?
M- I think it's time to tell everyone.
L- well if you and kaeyi are sure then of course I can call a meeting.
M- thanks Lewis I'll be there in about 30 mins
L- ok see you then.
I end the call and say bye to kaeyi.
"Why are you always leaving me" she says with a fake sad face.
"Because otherwise no one will know!" I say as I kiss her. "bye kaeyi bye Kiki bye pascal" I close the door behind me.
I don't know how they're going to react but they're gonna find out someday. Now or never.
As soon as I get to the office lewis comes up to me.
"You ok?"
"Yeah I'm good what do you think they'll say?" I ask as he's known then a lot longer than me.
"It'll all be positive especially Simon" I smile thankfully at him. and walk into the common room. (not the one hatfilms took over, the new one) slowly I walk to the front. Nervous I start.
"Ok so I called this meeting to tell you something that has been happening for a while like a month before Abi was taken, there is a reason kaeyi didn't come to help Abi, and that is because... we'll let me show you" I turn the new projector on in the room showing a baby picture that kaeyi got from the scan. Some people look confused but not Grace.

"Wait so Kaeyis preggers!?!" She says. I smile well grin and nod.

"AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Of course this is Simons reaction. As expected.

"Aw congratulations!" everyone says.

"So she's what 2 months pregnant?" sparkles* asks.

"Yeah just over" I say. lewis didn't have a reaction and Hannah notices first.

"Wait lewis did you know?" Hannah asks, he sheepishly nods, smiling. Hannah looks slightly annoyed but she will get over it.

"Right come on martyn me and you have to go baby shopping!" Abi shouts over everyone. She glances at Toby and he shakes his head laughing. I look at lewis and I see him nod.

"Ok fine" I get dragged out the tower by Abi.
"Bye i'll see you all later!" I shout as I'm pulled into the elevator.

"Is it a boy or girl?" she asks as we walk into the carpark.

"It's gonna be a surprise" I smile as we get into the car.

"You have to do a baby haul aswell when you get back!" she says very excited.

"You have to help though" I say at her.
"Yesssss!" she shouts. I just giggle and stop outside babies 'r' us (shhhh I'm not creative, plus other shops are av.... I'll stop.)
For about an hour we walk all around the shop looking at clothes and toys and more clothes. Abi melts every time she sees something cute.
"Ok so if you don't know if it's a girl or boy it's safer to go with yellow clothes" she explains. How is she so good with babie stuff? I just nod and let her fill the basket up. By the end of the trip I've pay about £80 worth of stuff. Clothes, toys, bath stuff and a load more.
"Right now we need to do a baby haul, wait... we haven't told the dreamlings" I mentally facepalm.
"I'm pretty sure Kim and strippin are doing a yognews about it now." I say. I did see a camera in the common room actually.

//Kaeyis PoV\\

Laying flat out in the sofa with the cats laying in my snuggie, I hear the front door open with a click.
"Stinky?" I ask. I hear a lot of rustling of bags.
"Nope it's me!" Abi came rushing in with two big bags.
"Oh hi Abi?"
"Heyy! I can't believe it! inthelittlebaby!" Someone took the news well then.
"Ahh so you took it well then" I say giggling.
"Yup and made us go baby shopping" stinky walks in with another two bags
from babies r us.
"Alright come I've got to be home soon lets do this baby haul!" Abi says as Kiki jumps on her lap.
After a lot of surprises later..
"Aww guys you really know what to get!" applaud them giggling.
"Nope it was all down to Abi!" Martyn says. She looks at her feet slightly embarrassed.
"Well whoever chose they chose well" I say to them. They both smile.
"Well it's Christmas next month so you can expect more, especially from me!" Abi informs us while playing with the kitties. We all just laugh enjoying the moment.
"Well I thinking should start editing that video!" martyn says. Then he walks upstairs to the office. I feel a slight pain in my belly and rub it gently.
"Does the baby kick a lot yet?" Abi asks.
"Sometimes not very often though" I smile. "come here" I say. I pull her weary hand, towards my growing baby bump, slowly. Gently I place her soft hand on my belly and hold it there as I let her feel the baby kick very softly. Her eyes light up at the feeling and she smiles.
"I think that the kitties are going to be very jealous when this one comes" Abi says quietly. I glance up at the window to the office and see Martyn standing there smiling down on us. "and I also think that either boy or girl, they'll be beautiful" she smiles at me and I smile back.
"He or she is gonna look up to you, you'll be its big sister not biologically but by heart" she grind back at me as u say this.
"And I'll love the baby like my brother or sister" we smile at each other. as she slowly takes her hand away from my stomach pascal immediately jumps onto her lap. "don't worry you two will always be my babies to" She says giggling.
"Hey guys I'm home!" Toby shouts as he walks into the living room. "oh hi Abi?" he says slightly confused. the he sees the amount of baby stuff then Abi then he laughs.
Christmas will be here soon and Abi is going to love it, it'll be her first proper Christmas with a massage family that loves her including the yet to be born newest family member.

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