Getting Ready

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Chapter 21 getting ready

1st September 2014
//Maddies POV\\

I open my eyes to see my boring, old, dark room that I've been in since forever. I look around but can't see much because it's pretty much pitch black. I feel something at the end of my bed with my foot. it's a bag or something like that. Oh wait now I remember! It's Abis birthday and Lewis aswell as Hannah invited me to a secret party for Abi! Apparently she also invited a trio of boys for Toby to hang out with called something like hatfilms. I can't wait to see Abi again! I haven't seen her for a while. Lewis and Hannah arranged for me to come over and have a sleepover around theirs. They also told me not to tell Abi it's gonna be a surprise for her birthday!

I seriously can't wait to see her face! I'm gonna say it again but I can't wait to meet her boyfriend! I've never met him in person, so it will be cool seeing him. Wow I'm going to embarrass her soo much! Or maybe I shouldn't...

I pack my bag ready to go even though it's like 7:00 in the morning.

//Abis POV\\

I wake up to a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and I can smell the gorgeous smell of a full English breakfast. I slowly follow the smell, much like they do on cartoons, all the way to the kitchen, where I see my mum cooking and my dad reading the newspaper.

"Morning sleepy head!" mum says without looking behind her.

"Morning mum, morning dad" I say looking over and smiling at him.

"Morning did you sleep well?" he asks.

"Yeah thanks" I reply and I sit at the table awaiting my breakfast.

Now I have finished my breakfast I go upstairs and get changed from my pink, leopard onzie. I change in to one of my all-in-ones. It's thin and pink so it's perfect for the weather in Bristol right now. I'll be getting changed for the party later anyways, I decided to wear the blue one with a pink belt and mum said I can use her pink nail varnish.

We go to yogtowers for the day to record some more games and me and Kim are going to do 1 hour of noobs play minecraft for our series. we're alternating the videos between our channels like most people do. once we get there I go straight to the common room to make sure everything's ready. Now I'm leaving the party central and going into my office. I go inside it and I feel like I'm underwater with all sea creatures. I log into my computer and sign in on minecraft. I join Kim's game so we can record.

"Ready?" she asks.

"Yep let's go for it" I reply.

"Hey guys and welcome back to noobs play minecraft!!"

"Yaaay!" I say not being able to think of anything else.

"So today we are going to build a farm and try to grow some food, coz we haven't had any for a few days"

"I know my hungers gettin...... ahhhhh!!!" I scream and a creeper blows me up. in the chat it says.

Abiwhale blew up

<Rythian> noob!

<Abiwhale>well the series is called noobs play minecraft for a reason.

I type this while laughing with kim.

After finishing the hour if minecraft I go to the party room again and see the tables and stage set up. the banners and balloons hung up. and Toby stood up on the stage sorting the mic out.

"Heyy" I say happily.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" He shouts unexpectedly.

"Woah! don't make me jump like that! but thank you" I run up to the stage.

"No problem!"

He pulls me into a warm hug. He's literally like me human teddy bear. he kisses my cheek and I blush a bit even though no ones here. I kiss his cheek back but he moves his head and he ends up kissing my lips. It reminds me if his birthday, when we were locked in together. We stop when we hear the room door open and see martyn standing there grinning. he holds up his phone with a picture of us on it.

"MARTYN LITTLEWOOD YOU DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW!!!!" I scream at him. he walks over and I watch him deleting it. Then Kaeyi walks in holding her phone up.

"Martyn who are these two people kissing?"

"You see before I delete any picture I make sure I send it to someone first so I can save it again" he laughs and I run at him and Toby holds me back. Kaeyi looks a bit worried but I'm only joking around.

"As long as you don't show it to anyone else I might let you live" I say. Toby laughs.

//Toby's POV\\

We hear the door swing open and a giggling Martyn walks inside looking happy about himself. It's only when he shows us a picture of us kissing that I realise what he's done. Inside I'm laughing but on the outside I act annoyed.

"NARTYN LITTLEWOOD YOU DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW" Abi screams at him getting her point across. he comes over to us as we jump of the stage. he prices that he ms deleted the picture but I knew he'd sent it to someone, he always does it. Kaeyi walks in and as expected she's somehow got the picture. After some arguing I realise the time.

"Guys shouldn't we go home and get ready for the party? it's like 5:00 and the party starts at 7 ish"

"Really? that time already?" Abi says "time flys when your having fun" she says I smile glad she's not too mad anymore. we hug one final time and we separate and go home to change. I seriously can't wait to see her face when she sees Maddie, or hatfilms.

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