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Chapter 17 Jealousy

***monday at school in form***

"Hey jazz, hey Summur" I say as I walk up to them in form.
"Hey why aren't you sitting with your boyfriend?" I'm in shock.
"What?" I say.
"We saw you yesterday at the park!" jasmine says to me.
"Well I wasn't at the park yesterday! I was at home with mum and dad, you know Sunday is family day" I lie the best I can.
"Really? Oh it must've been someone else then" Summur says.
"Yeah" I have nothing else to say to them.
"Is there any homework due today?" I ask making a conversation.
"Err not that I know of unless you didn't do your maths homework last week" jasmine informs me.
"Oh good, I thought I forgot something for a second" I smile.
My form tutor is yet again late so we only just finish the register before the bell rings for the start of first lesson.

Now it's break time. the lessons went the same as they usually do, English- going of subject but completing work, art-Toby watching me draw and sketch.
I find grace and we go to the football pitch to watch the boys fall over and miss the goals completely.
"So have you told anyone about you and Toby?" she asks.
"*sigh* no I don't know how, and if I do they're just going to keep bugging me and teasing me"
"Yeah true, it always happens, to everyone" Grace says. Grace and I cheer on the team with Toby on and even though we're the only ones doing it, it's fun to do. Especially when people get annoyed with us. Toby doesn't get annoyed he just laughs and shakes his head when he looks at us.
"Achoo" I sneeze as the pollen from the grass gets to my nose.
"I forgot to take a tablet this morning achoo" I get my drink out my not-needed big bag in case I get dizzy.
"Achoo achoo achoo achoo"
"Geez how many times was that?" grace laughs.
"I think it was achoo" it was about to sat four but oh well. Toby notices me having a 'hayfever' attack and quickly jogs over.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I just achoo forgot my hayfever tablet achoo this morning that's all" I say taking a sip of my drink.
"Wow you silly Goose" I love it when he says that.
"Hehe achoo" oh god. "I'm gonna go to the canteen to get away from the grass, I'll see you next lesson" I say.
"Ok then" and he quickly gives me a peck on the cheek and I go a light shade of pink that only us three notice.
"Byeeee" I says and wave as we turn to go to the canteen.

"Hey!" oh no that's only one persons voice. Izzy.
"What?" I say anger already raising.
"Don't speak to me like that you little shit!"
"And why not, it seems that most people are to scared to so someone's got to get it through your head that you don't own them" I say with out thinking.
"Anyway what is it with you and Toby? I mean I'm obviously way better so I deserve him, not you" she says sternly.
"And what do you mean by that?" I say but I know what she means.
"I mean that you, are not allowed to go out with him, because he's mine" she says.
"Oh that's a shame because it looks like he's already chosen me and not even spent and hour with you. He must know that your not worth it" I say, Grace is getting worried now I can see her shaking slightly.
"Excuse me?" she says astonished.
"I'm sorry I've got to go, I have got time to talk to jealous, big headed, twats byee" I turn around and pull grace with me.
"Get back here!" she says, really angrily.
"Maybe later" I say mimicking Grace. She then laughs like everything was normal.

At lunch all my friends and I went into the ,seagull invested, field. we all sit down and had lunch, all the boys were playing football, apart from a couple.
Grace took her shoes off and when she wasn't looking I see Saira putting them in someone's bag. Saira sees me and looks at me like 'don't tell anyone' I nod. Saira only tells Hannah and they make a plan.
"OH MY GOD ITS ON THE ROOF!" Hannah shouts. I play along with them and laugh about. Everyone starts to join in and say how a seagull has taken her shoe and put it on a roof. This is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen. After a while we tell her where her shoe is and she acts like she didn't believe us anyway. None of the boys noticed apart from stan and Hayden who didn't want to play football. I look at Toby playing football, but I see Izzy with him talking. after a couple of minutes she stomps of looking smug. I won't bother talking to him about it because I don't want to know to be honest. The rest of the day goes pretty normal. Well I say normal with Grace and me there nothing's ever normal.
The final bell rings and it's time to go home. Toby has football club today so I walk home alone.

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