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Chapter 9 zoethian

//abi's POV\\

The rest of he week seemed pretty normal. I skyped Maddie and Toby (but at the same time) at school I met this trio of boys who always hang out with eachother and they seem pretty cool, although the name of their trio was -hatfilms- I thought that's was wierd but they have an obsession with hats so it kinda makes sense. Nothing else really came up that's exiting. But I'm.... well Toby is still waiting for his mum to be diagnosed with cancer.
Other then that everything seems normal... until the start of Saturday.

So I'm dressed and ready for yogtowers. once mum, dad and I get there they leave me to get some chocolate from the vending machine. I know the floor number of by heart considering I go there after school everyday. Now I have chosen my chocolate-milky bar(other chocolates are available)- I walk to the elevator. eventually it gets to ground level, however when the doors slowly open I see a mysterious girl with blonde hair with a streak of red and green eyes. I recognise her from school. She sees me as she snaps out of being in awe. She ,overcome by shock, tried to make the elevator go up. I run in just as the doors close.
"Hi" I say "don't you go to my school?" I ask.
"Err maybe" she says by which point I realise is Grace. I never really spoke to her so nows my chance.
"Your Grace aren't you?"
"Errr yeah why?"
"Why are you here? I mean do you even know the yogscast?" I ask questions continuously.
"Ok ok ok ok.... hold up with the questions geez"
"Oh er sorry" I apologise.
"So you know Zoey and rythian?"
"Well I'm kind of their daughter and I get to visit yogtowers when I want, dad has to go to Sweden to see his family, and during the holiday I was with him. but we came back and he's working on the office today and I got to visit. I don't have an office because I don't really want one and I'm not into that gaming stuff" she explains.
"Oh right ok then, I understand about he hair, I'm guessing you got the traits from Rythians blonde streak but small traits form Zoeys gorgeous red hair. oh and is this why you don't talk much in school?"
"Yeah because I have to keep mum and dad's new series secret from yognau(gh)ts"
"Lucky, your parents tell you what they're doing" I tell her.
Then the elevator door opens at the floor of the yogscast. We both walk to the kitchen and I grab a packet of Jaffas. Then Zoey walks in. She looks exactly how I imagine her to look.
"Oh hi Grace, who's your new friend" she asks.
"Hey mum this is Abi she goes to my school and has been adopted by Lewis and Hannah" she explains for me.
"Oh right, we'll remember that know one os allowed to know otherwise you'll be surrounded in school by yognau(gh)ts" she tells us.
"Sure we'll keep it secret" I say to Zoey.
"Good" she says and walks out and goes to Rythians office.

//Zoeys POV \\

I walk into Rythians or Joakim's room just down the hall. I knock on the door to hear Rythian call for me to come in.
"Hey Ryth!" I say.
"Zoey how many times do I have to tell you, don't call me Rythian call me jo.."
"Yes I know, but your adorable when it annoys you" I say and smile at him. he shakes his head and laughs.
"So what did you want?" he asks me.
"Oh yeah umm.... did you know that Hannah and Lewis adopted a child?" I ask, I was never told this until about two minutes ago.
"Oh yeah Lewis told me yesterday I think"
"Oh really? awesome, she seems like a nice person, she's with Gracie now in the kitchen" I inform him.
"Oh ok then, what was her name again?"
"I think it's Abi" I say.
"Oh yeah I remember now" he says in his amazing voice.
"Anyway, what are you up to?" I ask to start a conversation.
"Oh I'm just uploading a new video"
"Oh cool" I say. I walk over to him and sit on his lap. We face eachother and smile, until after a couple of seconds are lips are touching and we're kissing.
"I love you ryth" I say passionately.
"I love you to Zoey" he replies back.
We carry on kissing eachother, my hair covering our faces as it drops gracefully down but it doesn't get in the way. We open our eyes, I see into his deep brown, but I imagine purple like his minecraft character, eyes as he looks into my hazel eyes. We smile then we hear a knock on the door, which makes us brake apart, and I climb off his lap giving one last peck on his soft cheeks and go to open the door to see Martyn standing there smirking.
"Sorry to interrupt... but I err.. found an game you might like to play" he says to me.
"Oh umm.. you didn't interrupt anything... so what's the game called?" I ask changing the subject.
"Oh it's called tomodochi, it's like a Simms game mixed with well a tamogochi really and thought you might like it"
"Yeah that sounds awesome!" I exclaim. I turn to Joakim.
"I guess I'll see you later, love you" I say.
"Ok love you too"
"Love you more!" I challenge.
"Oh no I'm not starting this again!" I laugh and leave the room.
"Aw you two deserve eachother" Martyn says to me. I smile as a thank you and go to my mushroom. (a/n see what I did there? I know it really bad don't judge me?)

***later that day***

"Aww c'mon Toby, why did you kill me!" I cry as he kills me in minecraft.
"Soorrrryyy" he says.
"Oh wow you two" grace says whilst building the second floor to out house.
"What?" I say.
"Your like an old married couple" she exclaims, which makes me shy away a bit.
"Really?" Toby says "anyway it was an accident, you should learn not to stand by lava while I'm mining" He informs us.
"Well I won't next time" I say.
"You two would really go together" grace suddenly says.
"What do you mean?" I ask curiously.
"You two would be a cute couple, in my opinion anyway" grace tells us.
"Eww no" we both say, even though deep down I know that I love him.

//Toby's POV\\

Omg!! I like her soo much!
"You two would be a cute couple, in my opinion anyway" Grace say which Makes me feel slightly sick.
"Eww no" I say along with Abi. saying this gives me a massive jolt in my heart. It pains me to think that we will never be together.
"Hey guys I've got to go home now, byeee" grace says then she logs off.

//Graces POV\\

I'll make then get together. The way they look at eachother. The way her eyes glow as she looks at him. the way his eye grow stars in them when he's with her. The way the laugh together. Its sooo obvious! I'll need help though. so I call Martyn and kaeyi on Skype as soon as I get home.

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