Sleepwalking nightmare

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Chapter 4 sleepwalking nightmare

//still Lewis's POV\\


I wake up with tea on my side table. I take a sip and sigh. Hannah always makes the best tea. I take another gulp and Hannah walks in with her tea.
"Morning sleepy head" she laughs.
"Morning" I say very sleepily.
"I'll make breakfast in a minute, when Abi wakes up"
"Thanks hun" I say back.
We both here Abi walk downstairs in to the living room, then the kitchen.
What's she doing I wonder to myself.
Then suddenly I here a loud scream form and Hannah look at each other quickly then run as fast as we can down stairs to the kitchen where we find Abi on the floor crying. Hannah runs over to her and holds her in her arms.
"Are you ok" she frantically asks. and we get no reply. she just sits there shaking and crying. I don't know what to do.
"Please speak to me Hun, you're gonna be ok, ok?" Speaks Hannah.
Abi gives a faint nod but still shivers and shakes as if she was in Antarctica.
I go and sit on the other side if Abi. Hannah smiles at me. I pull her into a hug and me and Hannah are both hugging her trying to comfort her.

//Abi's POV\\

I fall to sleep quite peacefully until, the dream. In the dream I'm walking down some stairs. Endless stairs. I keep walking down. Then I start running. faster and faster. I pass some bodies of people who have gave up and killed them selves. I ignore them and keep going. I'm going Lower and lower beneath the ground. There's no handrails so I have to stay in the middle of the stair case. I can see something at the bottom. It's a person pacing. I start to slow down and try to work out who it is. Eventually I see my father standing there looking up at me. he smiles evilly.
"You've been a really bad girl abi!" he says "you ran away from me!"
"No.... no I never I was taken" I say almost crying. just the sight made me scared.
"Liar!" He screams.
"Now you've done another bad thing! you are a very very bad girl!" he says this and grabs my arm so that a can't escape his grasp. I struggle and struggle but it's no use.
He drags me over to a fireplace, he sits me down and tells me not to move. Im so scared I can't even speak. So I say here scared. The devil turns around with a hot poker in his hand, its glowing bright orange its so hot. He moves closer and closer, I try to get away but he just snatches my arm and pulled me back down to the cold, hard ground. He points the poker at me and laughs as he sees my horrified face. He roughly jabs the poker into my arm and I scream as the pain sears through my now limp body. Then I suddenly wake up. Hannahs hugging me and speaking, but I don't understand what she is saying. so I sit there shaking violently and breathing heavily, and to my surprise I'm downstairs on the tiled floor. The tears coming from my eyes were warm. They feel like tiny streams running Down my face.
"Please speak to me hun, you're gonna be ok, ok?" mum says comforting me. I give her a shy nod in return to let her know I'm listening. Now dad is running over to me and he slides across the floor for a couple of meters and he lands next to me and hugs me. Now I have both my parents cuddling up to me.
"Looks like your not going to Martyn's and kaeyis today, I guess you better come to yogtowers instead" dad says.
I look up at him and I stop shivering but still crying, and I smile a little.
I slowly get up and sit on a chair in the kitchen.
"Do you wanna tea?" my mum asks.
"Y...yes please" I reply still slightly scared. It's fine you're awake you'll be fine now. Mum and dad are here. I sip the hot tea, ensuring I don't get a burnt tongue. The tea instantaneously made me feel calm and I sink into my chair and relax.
"Are you better now" dad asks.
"Yeah thanks" I smile.
"Good, you scared us quite a bit"
"Oh err sorry" I say taking another sip of my milky tea.
"No it's fine, how were you to know that this was going to happen" he say.
"Thanks dad" I speak.
"You best get ready Abi, we're gonna have to leave in a bit" mum shouted from the living room.
"Ok, in a minute I'll just have the rest of my drink" I shout back.

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