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Cheater 25 Kim

//Abis POV\\

"Hey Kim can we record some npm?"
"Yeah sure!"
We log on and join the game. so far we've made a biggish house with a living room, two bedrooms and a cooking/crafting area along with an underground chest place where we keep all out stuff. we also have a food farm and animal farm. Kim is now trying to build hang gliders for us and I'm making luggage (it's a secret) which is pretty easy to be honest. Once me and Kim had finished recording it was time to talk.
"So err Kim I need to talk to you about something..." I say to her over Skype.
"Ok do you want me to come to your room?"
"Only if you want it doesn't matter" I reply.
"I'll just stay here 'coz I'm lazy" I laugh a bit.
"Fair enough"
"So what did you want to talk about?" she asks.
"Well, don't deny it because I know it's true, but you like Duncan yes?" I ask.
"Well yeah but..."
"Right so tomorrow I'll get you two on a date together. I'll ask him to oh to lunch with me but I won't be there, you will" I interrupted her.
"Okay, but what if he asks where you are?"
"Just say that mum and dad needed me for something" I shrug as if it was obvious. She nods over Skype.
"Hey umm Abi do you mind not telling anyone about this.." she asks in a slightly embarrassed tone.
"Ahahah sure" I say. we say good bye and we end the call. I smile a cheeky grin as I go to tell duncan the good news.

//Kim's POV\\

Over Skype me and Abi talk about how I like duncan, and she's creating a plan to get us together. Wow I just realised how many relationship 'problems' have come up recently. Abi and Toby, abi told me about trott and Maddie and Grace liking smiffy. I wish I could tell Duncan how I feel, but I can never find the right things to say. Which is mainly why I'm scared about tomorrow. I don't know what will happen I don't know what to say. I keep asking questions. What if he doesn't like you? What if something goes wrong? why can't I tell him? Why are you holding back?
I'm glad I've got Abi to help as Hannah would tell Lewis then he would have told simon then the whole world would find out via YouTube and everyone would embarrass me and it would be awkward for Duncan when we record galacticraft. Abi wouldn't tell anyone. Would she?

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