What can we do?

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//Lewis's POV\\

I have to stay strong for everyone right now. especially Toby and Hannah. I knew Hannah would be upset but not like this and Toby crying? It just shows you what happens when something happens to someone you love. Standing at the front of the huge meeting table, I see everyone either sulking, almost crying, crying, looking towards the ground or hugging one another. I don't know where to begin. what shall I say? Scanning the whole table I quickly go to Hannah and ask quietly...

"Is everyone here?" Slowly she nods and I stand back up again.

"So err you all know why we are here. we need to find abi and save her from her disgusting father and whom is helping him. now we have a way to track her, which is by her phone, unless if course he smashed it" I see a load of nods and still so much more tears from Toby. Grace wasn't crying, she's not that kind of person. but she does look pretty sad. along with everyone else.

"Does anyone have any other I ideas to help find her?" I ask. most of the replies are sniffs.

"See I told you. we can't find her. we don't know where she is, se could be in fucking America for all we know!" A distraught Toby exclaims.

"Which is why we need all the help we can get. Grace could you get maddie?" I ask quickly.

"Well I could try but uh if the caseworkers won't let her out then I might not be able to" I simply nod as she pulls her phone out.

"Paul how long will it Take Chris to yet here?"

"Well he was on his way over anyway he'll be here by tomorrow"

"Good" I reply slightly smiling.

"Hannah how long ago did she send the text?"

"About 20 mins or so" she says between sniffs.

"Right you and Kim go to the police to get her tracked. martyn stay with Toby. Duncan and Paul, gather weapons incase we need then when we find her. we need some people to stay behind I the day we go to upload pre recorded stuff so no one finds out or get suspicious" everyone I mentioned nods and gets to work. Hannah and Kim go to the nearest police station. Duncan and sjin rushing to collect stuff. martyn takes Toby to the sofa in the common room.

"Oh wait martyn? do you think kaeyi can help or is she?" I ask I'm the only one he told about kaeyi. he wants it a secret.

"She would but err you know" I nod knowingly and look at the rest of the people sitting aimlessly at the table wondering what to do. even Zoey is sad and you can never normally make her sad. Rythian is beside her comforting, and hugging her. Grace is in the phone to Maddie sounding a bit frustrated.

What can we do?

Just a short one for now! the next one will be what happened to everyone. Hannah and Kim at the police station, what Duncan and sjin find etc..

Hopefully it will be out soon x until then x byeee guyzzzz!


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