Going home

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Chapter 2: going home

//Abi's POV\\

I wake up. I realise that I was asleep all day, I'm not surprised I was worn out yesterday when I came back from going out! Then I realise what day this is I look at the time 16:00. shit. I jump up and grab the clothes of my bed which I laid there for today. I get dressed and speed down stairs for some quick breakfast, which I rammed down my throat. I am running upstairs now to go to the bathroom to clean my teeth. I hate brushing my teeth straight after eating, but I'll get over it for today. Now I'm finished i go to my room and roughly put my hair up in a long, brunette ponytail that runs down to my lower back. I snatch my bag and throw (not literally) the rest of my possessions into the bag including my teddy, iPad and sketchbook.
I've always loved to draw in my spare time, which means when there are no videos uploaded. I shove the backpack on my back then......
I run to the door and swing it open to find my new guardians standing there. A huge smile grows on my face.

"Are you ready?" They both ask in sinc.
"Yeah! oh wait! I need to say bye to Maddie, I'll be right back!" I drop everything and run upstairs to her room. knocking on the door I here her stir a bit (typicall just like me, loves a lay in!) I then decide to go in anyway.
"What's up?" she sleepily asks me.
"I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you. I'm being adopted today!"
"Who by?" she wonders.
"You know the couple I went out with yesterday?"
"Yes but who are they!?" She crys.
"Oh yeahs sorry, it may or may not be Hannah and Lewis from the yogscast!"
"No freaking way!" she exclaims.
"Yes way! they're here right now, so if you wanna meet them your gonna have to get up now, because I've got to go in minute!" I say.
As soon as I say this she zooms downstairs and I race after her. She stops, stiff, not moving, staring.
"Sorry 'bout her she's a big fan of you like me!" I explain. "I thought you wouldn't mind meeting her"
"No it's absolutely fine" Hannah tells me.
I wave my hand in front of her and she snaps out of it.
"Maddie as you know this is Hannah and Lewis, Hannah, Lewis this is my best friend Maddie!"
"Nice to meet you Maddie" Lewis says.
"H..h..hi!" she says back.
"Abi we'd better be going" Hannah says.

//Maddie's POV\\

"Nice to meet you Maddie" Lewis says to me. Lewis. He spoke to me. I never thought this would happen. My inner fangirl will explode if I don't calm down, i say to myself. ok. it's ok I'm calm I try to speak but just stutter the word hi.
"Abi we'd better go Hannah's hinting that she and the other two need to go and get settled at Abi's new home.
"Well bye Maddie" Abi bear hugs me and tells me to Skype her tomorrow.
"Definatly" I reply.

//Hannah's POV\\

I hint to Abi that we have to go. its horrible here I don't want to stay too long. We at are good byes and Lewis takes Abi's suit case to the boot and Abi brings her bag. I turn the radio on as Lewis finally gets in the car, from struggling to get the case in the boot.
"Shall I turn the radio on?" I ask
"Yes please!" Abi answers.
"What channel?"
"Ummm..... Radio 1!" She says.

We're all singing along to the radio when we pull up.

"We're home!" Lewis crys. I turn the radio off and look at Abi. Asleep. Aww I thought, I smiled and got our the car and went to gently pick her up and take her in.
"Do you mind closing the doors and locking the car hun?" I ask Lewis.
"Yeah sure" he shouted, front the kitchen.
He runs past me and out he front door. I slowly take Abi upstairs and into her bare, colourless, new room. It hasn't been painted yet we thought she might like to choose the colour herself. I tuck her in her new bed and kiss her head. Lewis comes into the room with her suitcase.
"Let's save her the trouble and unpack for her" I say. Lewis nodded and opened the case.
We find; a few tops (mostly yogscast, and danisnotonfie as well as Amazingphil) a couple of pairs of jeans, a beanie -which looks similar to sjins. her underwear was in the side pocket along with; her iPad and phone chargers, hair stuff, and a bag of arts and crafts.
"Lewis I think I'm going to take our Abi shopping tomorrow!" I claim.
"Sure, but don't forget to get the paint for her new bedroom"
"Ahaha of course!" I laugh.
"C'mon let's get to bed" he yawns.

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