Hospital visits

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Chapter 19 hospital visits

//Toby's POV\\

I never leave her side. For the whole week I've been here, next to her hoping she'll wake up. All the Yogs come nearly everyday. especially Hannah and lewis.
Izzys always in a strop at school. She's still trying to get with me. I'll always hate her for what she's done to Abi. None of Abis' friends know about us, and a few of mine know. So I don't have many people to talk to, so I sit here as soon as school finishes. I speak to her, tell her what's she's missed.
All it reminds me of is my mum. both look lifeless, eyes closed, except Abi has a load of bandages. maybe it is like last time. I suppose I could try.
"Hey Abi, I know you can hear me. I miss you, We all miss you, but if you want you can let go" I keep it brief this time as if I was speaking to Abi.
"I'll never let go Toby" I hear her voice.
"Abi?" I look at her. Eyes opening. mouth smiling-ish.
"Hey Toby, how long have I been asleep for?" she's speaking really quietly but I can make out what she says.
"Erm just under a week" I say. "I've been here everyday waiting for your eyes to open, waiting to hear your voice and now it's happened I'm glad I did come here, everyday"
"Hey Toby you didn't have to.."
"But I wanted to" she just smiles at me.
"Where's mum and dad?" she asks.
"There at home at the moment do you want me to call them?" she nods slowly, her neck obviously hurting. I get my phone out and call Lewis.

//Lewis POV\\

We're at home. I hear my phone ringing. Hannah looks at me tears in her eyes. Looking at my phone I see Toby's number come up. I quickly answer and put the phone to my ear.
"Hello? Toby is everything alright?"
"Hey Lewis actually it's perfect come to the hospital, Now" then the call ends.
"Well?" Hannah asks teary eyed.
"I think something good has come up, we'd better get down to the hospital" I get up and grab my car keys. We rush in and turn the engine on as fast as we can to get going. sea belts on and we're on our way to the hospital.

***ten minutes later at the hospital***

"Toby? what's up?" I say worried.
"Oh hello dad!" I hear I look straight at Abi noticing her open eyes.
"Abi!" Hannah say running up to her and cuddling her minding out the way of the wounds.
"Careful mum" she says.
"Oh sorry, but I've missed you soo much"
"I've missed you to mum" she says happily. It's amazing to see her smiling and cheery again.
I felt sorry for Toby, every day he would sit here in case she awoke. Well he was here today and I was thankful. She was lucky to have him.
"How are you Abi?" I ask trying not to get to upset.
"I'm fine, although my thigh really hurts" she says. The doctor then asks in. She's wearing a white coat and holding a clipboard.
"Oh good your awake! how are you?" She says.
"I'm good, still in a bit of pain though"
"Well thats good considering, well from what we heard, what happened"
"When can I go home?" she asks hopeful.
"Well you'll need to stay here for a bit to make sure everything heals properly but after that you'll be fine to go" he tells her. Toby looks slightly happier than he was before, knowing her could spend time with her again.
"Do you know how long that will be?" I ask curious.
"It depends on the wounds but a few days, she'll be given crutches for her leg though, just in case" she informs us. She then turns to look at Abi again.
"Are you ok to tell us what happened? Toby told us what he saw, but we want to hear what happened from your point of view"
"Can I tell you tomorrow, I just want to spend time with my family today" she says looking at us smiling. The doctor nods her head and leaves the room.
"So where's all the yogs then?" she asks.
"Well I presume they're at yogtowers making videos" Hannah says still slightly crying.
"Have you... have you told the yognau(gh)ts about what happened, or didn't you want to?" me and Hannah look at eachother. Some of our viewers we're wondering where she was, we just said she was busy with a lot of homework.
"er no we haven't told them, we didn't know if you wanted to or not" I say to her.
"It's ok I wouldn't have minded, but thank you" she says still smiling. One of the things I love about Abi is the fact that she's always smiling no matter what. The only time I haven't seen her smile is when she was unconscious.
"How's martyn, kaeyi and the kitties?" she asks Toby.
"They're fine, they're just worried about you" he says.
"Can they come here I wanna see everyone" she asks, he gets his phone out and starts to call. "dad can some if not all the yogs come?" She asks me.
"Well I call around and see if they're busy if not they'll probably be able to come, only if you won't feel crowded though"
"Hey don't worry dad I'll be fine"
I start to call people. Hannah calls Nilesy (who calls Ravs and Zylus)Kim, sjin and minty aswell as Duncan and panda. I call, simon first, then sips, then turps who calls strippin and area 11. finally I call Rythian who tells zoey. Toby calls martyn and kaeyi.
Everyone rushes over to the hospital. The room is extremely crowded but there is enough room.

//Abis POV\\

"Wow everyone made it?" I says almost in disbelief. Everyone was either sat by the bed on one of the few chairs or standing up leaning on the wall.
"Well we were all worried" minty says for everyone.
"What's it like being asleep for that long?" Zoey says with her baby dinosaur in her bag.
"Well it kind of like I've been asleep, it only felt like normally falling asleep" I reply. sjin came up to me and gave me a present.
"You didn't have to get me anything" I giggle at him.
"Well me and minty thought you might like someone to keep you company when no ones here" he shrugs. I open the wrapper and see and white horse with a saddle and reins. It has a name on a medal thing. Maximus.
"The horse from tangled" I look up and smile because I love that film. Although I absolutely love Frozen to bits.
"Yeah Tom" Sjin says.
"It's called Maximus sjin" I say.
"Yeah I knew that" he says sarcastically. I just laugh.
"Thank you so much!" I say.
"It's no problem" minty tells me smiling.
"Hey Abi are you allowed to eat, 'coz you know sometimes you can't for tests and stuff" simon comes out with.
"Probably why?" I ask.Simin then hands me a packet of Jaffa cakes.
"Yes! thank you!" I go to hug him but stop because of the pain in my leg and back. I look down a bit sad.
"Hey don't worry I'll hug you instead" he gives me a soft hug ensuring he doesn't hurt me. He then goes back to his place smiling his usual dwarven smile.
"Do you remember what happened?" Duncan asks me. I'm not ready to say everything.
"I just got into a fight, I'm going to tell the doctor everything tomorrow and then I'll tell you, I just want to be with everyone today" I answer reassuring Duncan. He nods like some other people do. I see dad whispering to Duncan.
"There's more than one person in the room you know!" I joke.
"Oh err sorry" dad says. "I asked if Duncan brought your iPad like I asked" he says.
"I don't need an iPad if I've got everyone here! But thank you" I say.
Suddenly someone bursts through the door.
"Sorry I'm late had to get this" he says as he hands me my iPad.
"Finally ridge! what took you so long" sips questions.
"Well I only got told ten minutes ago and I had to get your iPad" he says pointing to me. I look at my iPad and pressed the home button. I see they changed my background to a picture of everyone in a group. I unlock it and go straight to YouTube.
"I knew you'd do that" mum says.
"You know me" I says back. I look down the side at my subscriptions but I see one called 'my channel' what? I don't have a channel do i?
"Wait..... I have a channel? are you serious!" I cry.
"Yep! it's a present from everyone!" dad tells me. I look at Toby shocked. he's just smiling and laughing at my reaction.
"OMG I live you guys soo much!" Everyone just laughs, and I smile the biggest smile I ever have. I can't wait to tell Maddie! Maybe we can play together.
"Hey you know I could give you a building lesson if you want?" sjin says.
"Really?! thanks!" then everyone starts offering lessons. Rythian-magic. Duncan-science. Martyn-play pvp with him. I can't name all of then because I forgot as soon as they told me but I remember Kim asking to do a noob minecraft series and call it noobs doing minecraft.
I'm soo lucky to have these kind of people as my family. I love every single one of them.

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