First day back at school

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Chapter 8 first day back at school

//Abis POV\\


Yes! I scream as I find out that I got into Bourne school. I'm so excited now! I can't wait to tell Toby!! Actually I might surprise him, I've already got my time table and I know that he's in my form and pretty much all of my classes. Yeah ill do that, I can't wait to see his face!


I step into the reception and see the kind woman behind the tidy desk. she looks up and smiles.
"You must be the new girl" she exclaims still smiling. I shakily nod my head.
"Don't be scared, do you want me to show you to your form?" again I nod and hug my mum as she leaves to go to yogtowers.
As we walk to my new form I see the canteen, and the seats out side for when it's a nice day. The receptionist shows me past a small shed and the science block. once we were past science I saw another smaller building which must be where my form is. looking got my right I see the huge field which has a big tractor on it mowing the grass. Oh great my hay fevers gonna go crazy. I sniff and walk into the building on the right is the maths department, and on the left is mainly performance arts. I only know this because we had a short tour when we visited. Me and the woman walked straight ahead to the room opposite the entrance doors. She knocked on the door and slowly opened it and put her head through.
"Hi Mrs Smith"
"Hello" my new form says.
"I've got the new student with me?"
"Oh right, welcome her in then!" she says happily. I slowly shuffle in with my head down. I feel everyone look up at me. sensing Toby on the corner of the room, on his own.
"So what's your name?" form asks.
"Err..... Abi" I reply nervously.
"Well hello Abi! do you think you know anyone here" I look over to Toby he smiles lightly and I say.
"Yeah Toby" I say quietly.
"Oh you don't want to sit next to him come and join us!" A girl says to me. I look Over to Toby and he nods. So I sit down next to her.
"Hi I'm Jasmine!! And this is my sister Summur!"
"Oh er hi" I say to them both. "You two don't look very similar though"
"We aren't actually sisters, but we're as good as sisters" the other girl, Summur says.
"Oh right" I laugh a little.
"So how do you know Toby?" Jasmine asks.
"Oh er... we went to primary school together but we went to different secondary schools, but I didn't like the other one I went to so I came here instead" I lie.
"Oh ok then" the say in unison.
"Aha you two really are like sisters aren't you?" we all giggle a bit. I think this school isn't going to be that bad.
"What you got first lesson?" I ask them both.
"We've both got drama" Summur says.
"Oh ok, I got English with Mr. Hughes" I reply.
"Oh really he's my teacher too, he's hilarious" jasmine says to me.
"I'll see you at break?" I ask them. They both nod at me and head of to drama.
Once I get into English I speak to the teacher and he tells me where to sit. sitting down I see Toby come in and sit next to me.
"Oh hi" he says.
"Is this where sirs told you to sit?" he asks me.
"Err yeah why?"
"Oh cool! sir is really funny but he's serious when it comes to homework, we will probably go of task for about 10 mins of the lesson but get your work done or it will cause you to have more homework" he explains to me.
"Oh right ok then"

Through out the lesson we chat..... a lot and we just about get the work done... with a lot of going of task.
"I see what you mean when you said he goes of task a lot" I laugh.
"Yeah I know" he replies.
"What do you have next?" I curiously ask.
"Erm I have art what bout you?"
"Same ahaha"
"Oh cool, I hate the person I sit with" Toby aggressively says.
"Really? maybe I could sit on the same table as you then?" I ask
"Of course" he smile and walks through the crowds into the other building to art.
And again I sit next to Toby. My favourite subject is art so I listen carefully when the teacher speaks. once we know what we are doing I go and sit in my place and get on with the work.
"You actually do work in art?" Toby says.
"Yeah it's my favourite subject" I state.
"Oh ok" and he carries on talking and watching me work.

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