Meeting martyns cousin

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Chapter 6 meeting Martyn's cousin

//Abi's POV\\

I see the door creak open a bit. There is a blonde haired man standing by the door.
"Oh Lewis said you'll be here. He also said that if you go to the common room you'll be able to meet my cousin. He's your age so you'll be fine if you want to meet him now?" The stranger, who I now realise is martyn tells me.
"Oh cool I'll be there in a minute"
Martyn nods and leaves the room.
"Well bye sparkles* see you later!" I exclaim and leave the room.
As I walk down the corridor I see my mums room. I peak in through a small gap between the fan-art on the window. She's playing Minecraft. I look closer and I can see tall trees with vines all over them, and owls on the trees to. wait, is that owl island?! It must be because she doesn't play any other games with Nilesy!
"what are you doing Abi?" someone asks me. I slowly turn and look up and see sips standing there smirking at me.
"Oh err I saw mum in her room and wanted to know what she's playing" this is my excuse.
"Ookay, um if your not doing anything and Lewis says you can do you wanna play Garry's mod with me and hatfilms, to fill in for turps?" he asks me.
"Omg yes! When, because I'm meeting Martyn's cousin in a second?"
"Don't worry it's not for an hour or so!"
"Yes! Thank you sips!"
"Hey no problem!" he smiles and leaves me standing in the corridor with a grin on my face. I quickly turn around and head for the common room where Martyn's cousin awaits. I go to the door and look inside and I see a young boy with quite long hair and glasses. I also see kaeyi sat next to him talking. I walk in.
"Hi kaeyi" I say to kaeyi.
"Hello, this is Martyn's cousin, Toby. Toby this is Hannah and Lewis's adopted daughter Abi" she introduced Toby and he looked at me and gave me a small smile.
"Hi!" I say to him.
"Er hi" he nervously replies (and I thought I was awkward when I met new people) to me.
"Well I best be going home to the kitties" kaeyi explains.
"Ok byeeeee" I say mimicking martyn. she laugh sand leaves.

//Toby's POV\\

I'm sitting here waiting for the girl martyn was talking about earlier.
"You all right?" kaeyi softly asks.
"Yeah, I'm just worried about my mum" I reply almost crying.
"Hey don't worry she'll be fine, just be happy"
"Ok, thank you kaeyi" I say. In the doorway there is a girl with brown eyes and get hair in a tight bun thing. She gracefully walks in and says hi to kaeyi. her voice is so soft and her smile is perfect. Which makes me more nervous to meet her. I've always had a bit of anxiety when meeting new people, which might be why I get along with kaeyi as much as I do.
"Er hi" I say pretty nervous.
"Well id best be going home to the kitties" kaeyi tells us.
"Ok byeeeee" the girl, Abi, says doing an impression of martyn. which makes me giggle a little but not enough for anyone to notice. I've never really known how to start a conversation with anyone, so I just say...
"Soo err are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine thank you, what bout you?"
"I'm ok I guess" I reply to her.
"Are you sure, I mean I don't really know you but you seem pretty down"
"I'm fine"
"You promise"
"Ha yeah, promise" I promise even though I'm not ok. She smiles at me with her beautiful face.
"So why are you staying with martyn" she asks. oh great I'm gonna have to lie again.
"Oh my mum and dad are on a business holiday and I couldn't go so martyn said he'll look after me" I lie.
"Oh that's cool" she says.
"So why are you here again?"
"Didn't you hear kaeyi?" she asks amused.
"huh, no sorry I was lost"
"Lost? what do you mean?" She says confused.
"In your ey.... I mean in thought" woah that was a close one!
"What were you thinking about?" she wonders.
"Oh nothing really" I reply trying not to mention that I was really thinking about her.
"Oh ok" she replies.
"Any way what are you getting up to during the half term?" I ask kind of interested. And I think I'm starting relax now.
"Oh is it half term? I didn't even know, I haven't been to sc, oh wait that's why. well I guess I'll be spending it with the yogs and I suppose I'll be looking for a school" she says this pretty fast. "what school do you go to?" she asks. I reply with
"I got to Bourne college, it's not to far from here actually"

(a/n I made up the name because I don't know any schools in bristol and I wouldn't know how far away from yogtowers they would be)

"Oh really what's it like?"
"It ok, you know, it's school"

//Abi's POV\\

I can't wait to go to school again, to meet all the new people and teachers! it would be amazing! As soon as I see mum or dad I'm gonna ask then to go to Bourne college!
"Hello? Abi?"
"Huh? what? oh, sorry! I was lost in thought" I smirk at him and he smiles back.
"So err do you have Skype?" He asks me.
"Yeah, my name is err ok don't laugh it's a nickname ok?"
"Aha ok I won't" he says though I'm not sure if I should trust him quite yet.
"Ok its, Abiwhale" I look at him and see him giggling a bit but I don't care, then I write it down on some paper from the printer in the corner of the room.
"Oh what's yours so I know its you?"
"Oh mine is, sototallytoby"
"Oh that's a cool name!" I say smiling. He looks up at me for the first time and I can see his eyes. They shine like stars at night. We stare at eachother without realising and I get a shock when someone knocks on the door. I jump and turn around and hear Toby laughing at me.
"Hey err, do you wanna play Garry's mod now?" Sips says reminding me.
"Oh yeah sure I'll be right there"
Ok I'll be in my room, you can use turps's computer as he's not in today and his pass is in the first draw" sips tells me.
"Oh ok I'll be there in a minute or two"
Sips leaves and I turn to Toby.
"Well bye then" I say quite sad.
"Bye, do you wanna Skype tonight?" he asks quietly.
"Yeah sure!" I reply cheered up a bit.

I leave and go to play Garry's mod with sips and hatfilms. we're playing it for a couple of hours so sips has a lot of content for his YouTube account. We play prop hunt, TTT, murder and I just about persuaded them to play melon bomber. After about 3 hours of laughter and hiding we decide to call it a day. then Lewis walks into turps' room
"Come on Abi it's nearly nine now we've got to go. especially if you wanna Skype your new friend"
"What are you trying to say?" I ask pretending to be serious.
"What, oh nothing just we need to go home now......"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" We hear loud screams in the corridor from someone. me and dad go into the hallway, and we were the only one that had come to investigate.
"What was that?" we both ask. Then we hear it again, but with whimpers after.
we head over to the door it's going from with caution. I look inside, and start laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" Dad asks me on a whisper. Still laughing I say
"Kim's face! and mums to! Hahahahah" I keep laughing even tough dads confused which makes me laugh even more.
"Ok now I'm confused" dad states.
"Mum and Kim, there playing outlast!" and then I carry on laughing. I see Kim look tough the window and pointing at me with mum smiling and laughing. After another funny five mins they pack up and it's time to go home.

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