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honestly, i was surprised. i wan't mad, just... surprised. i lied, lied, to save my own skin from being called gay. i sunk so low, that i told craig, indirectly, that i didn't care about him, even though i'd move planets to get to him. i clench my fists as i bite my bottom lip, while looking at craig. i kissed him, ridiculed him and angered him in one day. one day. finally he turns to look at me, and basically i could've burst out in tears then and there. but i didn't. i smile, weakly, before storming out of the school building.

thinking and assuming that nobody was going to chase after me.

but i wished "someone" did.

i run my hand through my hair as i walk out of school and out of sight. 

"sam, wait up!" i ignore them fully as i continue walking down the sidewalk to the park, caring less what they thought of me, "craig's crying again," i spin on my heels to face kyle, he's completely out of breath.

"nice," i turn back and i dig my hands into my pockets as i continue walking, "tell him that he doesn't have to come to the party anymore."

"sam-- this is not how you handle things, dude," kyle catches up with me, "especially not on your fucking birthday, man."

"right now i couldn't care less."

"drop the fucking attitude, dick-bag," kyle snaps, "you care about craig and he cares about you, now turn your ass around and apologize to him.'

"why would i?"

"because--" he pauses to find a good reason, "fuck it-- just come and console him after you find out what a worthless friend you are, i don't care that's it's your birthday, it's craig."

"see you later then," i respond, walking further, "craig should know that i won't come back crying, and make sure he knows that, kyle," he scoffs before hurrying back to the school. 

i'm so good at this.


"and then he just said that--" i cough, trying to wipe my tears, "this is the second time in 2 days, leo, 2 days!" leo pats my back as we sit in the cold air during lunch.

"crying about the same guy twice, craig," leo sighs, "you can't keep on doing this, and you know that."

"i know, i know," i rest my hands, "i just thought it would go well after we... 'you-know' but it just went downhill. i just feel like this isn't my fault."

"it isn't," leo agrees, "but just come to the party."

"guys, guys!' kyle runs up to us, "craig-- sam-- he said you don't have to come to the party anymore and that he won't come crying back to you after what he said," i start crying again.

"shut the fuck up for one single second, kyle," leo hisses, "can you just get sam to come here no matter what he wants or thinks."


i'm sitting on the bench alone, i told leo and kyle that i didn't want to go to class anymore so i just stayed outside. i feel the cold air whip against the back of my head as i rest my sore ass on the rock hard bench. i open the box of cigarettes, smoking kills craig, i sigh as i close it again. i aim for the trashcan and i throw it in.

"nice shot," i hear sam say.

"you came," my voice breaks, "you actually came," sam stands in front of me with his jacket zipped up all the way.

"yeah, i came," he nods, "and all i wanted to say was that i'm sorry," i nod, clasping my hands together, i keep my head hung low as i feel another mental breakdown coming up. i start crying, again and honestly, i shouldn't.


"how can such a small body carry so many tears?" he says, "it's okay, don't cry, i'm here. and i'm so sorry for being such a dick," i step off of the bench and i stand in front of him.



he wraps his arms around me and he hugs me.

"i hate you," i chuckle through my tears.

"of course you do."

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