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by now, my 'soulmate reveal' was 2 days away, which meant that the party was going to be held on saturday. i finally gave in after jay told me he got into a bet with aaron, kyle and leo about who'll be my soulmate. i haven't had the courage to look in craig's direction for the past few days as i just admire him from a distance.

i shake my head as i finally turn away from him as kyle excited exclaims who he'd be inviting, "so by now, i got nicole, roxanne, bridgett, kylie, jay, jake, leo, craig, aaron, jesse and myself," i freeze as he tells us he'd be inviting jesse.

"jesse?" i roll my eyes, "you mean the douchebag ex of craig, roxanne and kylie?" kyle shrugs as jay just snickers.

"it's no biggie," he retorts, "i lowkey invited aaron and jesse for some spiciness," he rubs his hands together as i just huff.

"you do lowkey realise that this is sam's fucking party?" jay folds his arms across his chest, "i bet that even if we didn't invite aaron he'd show up," i shrug, trying my best to not turn around as i hear craig laugh. the bell rings signalling for us to head to first period, i don't fancy another absence so i just follow my friends with my hands deep in my pockets and my head downcast as we walk past craig.

i spoke too soon.

i'm sitting outside again on the same bench trying to find my cigarettes, i groan in disappointment as i realize i might've lost them, "looking for these?" i hear a voice say.


"shouldn't you be in class?" i ask him as i light a cigarette before inhaling and exhaling the smoke, "hm?"

"w-what about y-you?" he looks at me.

"i feel that class is irrelevant when i can find a low paying barista job," i sigh, "who am i kidding? i can't keep on telling myself everything is going to be okay," craig wraps his arm around my shoulder which makes me jump but i except it.

"i-is this s-still about the whole s-s-soulmate thing?" 

"yeah, kinda."

"w-w-what's bothering you then?" he stutters.

"first you need to calm down, it's only me," i say as he sighs.

"you're right, i just get nervous when other people are around."

"it's fine, i guess."

"so the soulmate thing what's pissing you off?" he reaches over my lap to the box of cigarettes, "is it something i said?"

"nope, it wasn't and it never will be, craig," i throw the cigarette on the ground before handing him a lighter, "i never knew you smoked."

"there's a lot of things you don't know, sam," he says as he blows out smoke, "you just need to embrace it," i look at him as he starts smiling.

"isn't it nice to know everything?" i cough, "doesn't that comfort you?"

"doesn't it scare you?" he takes his arm away before laying down on the bench, "aren't you afraid to know everything better than everyone else, doesn't it scare you that you'll know what death means? when the earth dies, when the sun explodes, when a heart breaks and why?"

"i know when a heart breaks and why," i say as i lay down next to him, "do you though?"

"i don't want to know."

"ignorance is bliss," we say, simultaneously. 

"thanks for having my back, sam."

hearing him talk without stutters is weird but refreshing.

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