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the last day until sam's soulmate is going to be revealed and i'm trembling. i want to spend time with him as my friend before being him becoming the guy that isn't written in my fate anymore. i walk up to sam who's alone, leaning against his top locker with his phone out. because of him, i learnt how to manage my stuttering a little bit. i'm just happy leo and ruth didn't tell him about how i only stutter when i'm one-on-one with him.

"hey," i lean against the lockers and i try to look him in the eyes but he's like a foot taller than me.

"'sup?" sam doesn't look up, i sigh, "you okay?" he puts his phone away as he places his head against the locker.

"can you just sit outside with me?" i ask him, he nods, "thanks, i just need a break to talk to you," he nods again as he follows me outside to bench where we sat yesterday and the day before yesterday. i sit on the top of the bench and he sits next to me, tilting his head.

"if this is about the fact that i ate all of the spaghetti yesterday then--" 

"no," i break him off, "sorry," i rub my arms as i feel the tension grow between us. sam opens his bag and takes out a packet of gum and he offers me one, "thanks," i mutter softly.

"it's fine, really," he chews the gum as he folds his legs, "whaddya want to talk about, craig? if i did anything wrong then i apologize."

"that's the point, sam," i blurt, "you never do anything wrong, never, and that's why everyone loves you. no matter how much of a manipulative douchebag you are, everyone will always fucking love you," i squeeze my eyes shut as i feel sam's arm weigh on my shoulders.

"not everyone does, craig, and that's the point, not everyone knows everything about me," he huffs, "i was so happy about our little 'ignorance is bliss' thing we had going on, why do you want to know everything now?"

"because i'm not ignorant, sam."

"i know you aren't--"

"SAM FUCKING TUCKER," my eyes shoot open and sam's arm is off my shoulder, kyle is standing in front of us with his phone in his hand and tears streaming down his face, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?"

"nothing..." sam looks at me, "i was just chilling with craig, kyle," he states calmly, i feel scared, really fucking scared.

"don't fucking 'nothing' me, tucker," kyle snarls at him, "you uploaded the pictures of me and roxanne and now jake's on my fucking case, you BITCH with your little BITCH of a boyfriend."

"i never did," sam is still calm to my amazement and he slides off of the table with his hands raised, "i don't want any shit with you or jake or roxanne," kyle's still really pissed.

"my ass, sam," he growls, "how can you DENY it? they were your fucking pictures, no?" sam nods and he opens his mouth to speak again, "then how did they leak, sam? HOW THE FUCK DID THEY LEAK?"

"kyle, calm down--"


he slaps, up right bitch slaps, sam tucker. i jump off of the bench, "calm down, please," i push them apart, "i bet this we can figure this out--"

"shut the fuck up," kyle snarls, pushing me away which makes me stumble and i fall on the ground, "don't fucking mess with things you can't handle."

"don't touch him again, kyle."

"what did you say? i didn't quite hear you over the fact how much you suck eachother off every night," kyle jabs at sam.

"i said, DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HIM AGAIN," sam throws a punch, kyle stumbles but stays up right, attacking sam with a kick, "i didn't do anything!"

"then how are the pictures leaked?" kyle cries, "how are they leaked?"

"i don't know," sam steps back to dry the blood near his lip, "please, kyle, can we settle this normally?"

"and not in front of your boyfriend?" kyle looks at me, i raise my hands as i grab my bag and i walk away.

better not to get involved.

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