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today's my birthday.

i woke up in the morning and i changed into my clothes without looking in the mirror. just to surprise myself at the party tomorrow. i slip my arms into my coat before swinging my bag over my shoulder. my parents left presents at the table and told me to bring them to the party and i agreed. 

i run outside since i woke up late. the bus pulls up outside my house and i walk in, immediately hearing cheers from my friends, "make way for the 17-year-old, dick bags!" jake claps his hands making the freshmen jump in their seats. i roll my eyes as i sit down next to him, "how's the birthday boy?" 


"great!" jake says enthusiastically, "i'm so pumped for your party, right guys?" he looks at kyle, leo, ruth and jay and they all agree.

ruth fist bumps me, "did you check the name?"

i shake my head, "i'm gonna save it for the party," i tell them.

the bus stops at stop near craig's house and i was excited to see his black hair and freckled face pop up. the bus doors squeak open and a horde of people enter the bus with craig lingering behind. "hey guys," craig smiles, sliding next to leo, "hey sam," nobody knew about our little 'hand-holding' last night, so i grin.

"the craig essence is working!" jay cheers, "he's smiling!"


"welcome back class!" the teacher smiles, "sit with your partner and start working! assessment is due after the weekend!" i sit next to jake, which is perfect so i can ask him what and where the party is.

"so, party..." i scribble in my notebook, "when and where is it?" he raises his eyebrows as he thinks.

"leo offered his mansion as the venue at 7pm, if that's okay with you, it's your birthday after all," he tells me, "since is gonna be tomorrow, i don't really think we have a planned end time but people can come and go whenever."

"nice," i say, writing down some bullet points, "who's sending invites and bringing booze and food?" jake shrugs.

"last time i checked, leo has some booze and jay's bringing some snacks but i guess we should get more," he hums, "kyle already sent the invites when we were at the park last night and everybody can come, so that's great."

"what are the party activities going to be?"


"i can fuck with that i guess."

i look back to my notes and i see that i scribbled down some random illiterate shit that i can't even read myself. i sigh as i glance at the clock, this is only first period and i want to die. i look up since i'm bored, only to lock eyes with craig. he smiles at me before looking down at his work as jay continues talking to him.

"are dick bag #1 and dick bag #2 still coming?" i ask jake with out looking up from my notes, he bites his tongue in the corner of my eye, "are they?"

"you mean aaron and jesse?" jake responds, "i mean i understand aaron but why are you so against jesse coming? i know he told you about craig even though he told jesse not to, but he seems okay?"

"isn't rox coming to the party?" i look at him, he nods, "isn't he also the ex of her and kylie? i don't want to assume anything other than what i know but-- just keep her close to you, jake," he nods.

"thanks man."

"just looking out for you, midget."


i bite on my pencil as i finish the last math problem in the book chapter. fuck me, math's a bitch. i'm sitting next to jesse in math which is really fucking annoying. but he doesn't say anything to me, at least before sam told me what he had told him. now he keeps on talking about how he's 'sorry' and that sam forced him to tell everything, which is bullshit.

"craig, i don't know how many times i still have to say that i'm sorry for you to forgive me and to get a second chance," jesse sulks, "you know how much i still care about you..." i roll my eyes and i just focus on the next chapter.

"i'm going to stop you right there," i breathe in, "just leave me alone, we're done and we always will be, so stop with the 'i still care about you' manipulative tactic," i write the header for my next page in my notebook.

"you know after a month of not being with anyone anymore, i don't understand how you can leech onto someone that quickly," he tilts his head, "unless you have something to tell me about your prince charming."

i put my pencil down, "i'm not open for something else, but i can't thank you enough for one of the best periods of my life, jesse."

"then why are you open to sam?"

"i'm ready to move on," i respond, "but there's nothing going on between me and sam, he's going to reveal his soulmate at the party we are both attending and i won't hesitate to bet 10 bucks that it's not me."


the bell rings and i shove everything into my bag. i leave as quickly as i came and i walk outside to my usual bench. and of course, sam is already there. "hey," i sit down next to him. he hands me a cigarette and lights it for me. "how's being 17?"

"you're not missing much," sam shrugs, "just a whole load of pressure on what name is plastered on my skin in black bold letters."

"do you know where it is?" i ask him, he points at his shoulders, "how does it feel? does it hurt? should i be scared or excited once the day will come?" sam laughs at my freak-out.

"it burns for half a minute but then it's okay," he says, shrugging, "then it's just kinda that urge to peek and most people would right? you should be excited craig, it's something to look forwards to."

"you're just saying that."

"why would i?"

"ignorance is bliss."

"sometimes it isn't."

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