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i cough as a take a puff from the cigarette, the cold mountain air and the smoke doesn't go well together. school's been out of the past half hour, i'm just waiting for sam to walk out. nobody uses this exit on the west side of the campus, but i know sam does. my parents aren't home today so a big plus point, i mean my mom will be home when i arrive but she'll leave after screaming at me and lynn. fun. 

i slap my hand against my forehead, right. sam has ice hockey practice, i flick the butt onto the pavement and i stick my hands in my pockets. maybe it's for the best that i don't talk to him, what was i thinking? i walk fast, thinking of an excuse to tell mom again. i'll tell lynn about it before i do me usual song and dance for her. i walk up to my 2-story house, the door creaks open as i unlock it. lynn's on the couch with he legs crossed and a bowl of chips on her lap. she smiles as i walk in, i wave at her before heading upstairs.


my mom wasn't home, she probably thought i was doing something else so she left early. i'm in my room and it's 12, i brought lynn to bed and now i'm just softly playing some sad songs to get me more into my sad mood. my screen lights up with a message, i open it.


j: hey

c: uhhhh its 12 dude

j: ik sorry

c: its chill 

c: are you ok?

j: yeah wbu?

c: fighting the urge to jump off a building lmao

j: hahaha

j: can you sneak out lol?

c: ig

j: k meet at the park

c: whos coming?

j: kyle, leo, ruth, jake, rox, kylie, cass

c: sam?

j: ... yeah

c: fine

c: im not gonna talk to him tho

j: seems fine to moi

c: cys

c: **cya

j: adios


i bring the bottle to my lips as i stare into the beam of light from the torch. i look around the group, roxanne and jake are sitting in the tree, next to eachother, kyle is leaning against the tree bark and i'm sitting next to leo and ruth on the grass. jay's chilling next to cass and kylie as we wait for craig. i gulp down the last bit of beer before planting it in the cold dirt under me. i sigh as i flip the hood up from my hoodie.

"hey guys," craig slides down next to jay and in front of me, i smile weakly but he looks away, jay wraps his arms around his knees that are brought up to his chest. "what are we doing?"

"nothing, right now," leo chimes in, "but we can do something, i guess?" the group all agrees with him.

"suggestions?" kyle claps in his hands, "sam?" i look up from the ground to shrug. 

"we could play never have i ever?" craig suggests, "that'd be okay-ish," everyone exclaims that they want to join.

"okidoki!" roxanne jumps down from the branch and jake follows her to the group, "i'll begin!" she exclaims, holding up 10 fingers and everyone does the same, "never have i ever stolen anything," i bring down a finger and so do jake, leo, ruth and craig.

"craigory stole something?" ruth exclaims, "damn."

"i'm gonna totally ignore the fact you just called me craigory," craig chuckles, "and fuck you."

"who's next?" cass asks as she looks around, "i guess i'll go," she claps her hands, "never have i ever had sex," everyone cheered.

"that's the shit we want to hear!" jake chuckles, "nice one, cassie," the group fell silent as we waited for people to lower their finger.


i look at sam who slowly lowers his second finger as the groups laughs, "anyone else?" jay looks around again, i sigh loudly as i put down my finger as well, "what the actual FUCK, craig?" i chuckle as i shrug.

"maybe i'm not as innocent?" i laugh, "plus, i know for a fact that rox and jake need to put down their fingers too," i wiggle my eyebrows.

"fuck you, scott," jake laughs, lowering his finger at the same time as roxanne, "anyways..."

"okay!" leo smiles, "my turn."


"never have i ever cheated on a test," kyle says, "don't judge me, okay," he chuckles as i roll my eyes. i lower my finger with kylie, sam, jake, roxanne and ruth. i'm down to 7 fingers, leo has 5, kyle has 6, jake and jay both have 4 fingers, ruth has 3 fingers and sam has 2. 

"never have i ever been with the same gender," ruth wiggles his eyebrows as he looks at me, "lower you finger bitch, you have too many," i flip him off as i lower my finger.

"i feel like i'm being targeted," i chuckle, "literally nobody else?" everybody laughs as nobody lowers their fingers, i look at sam and he shrugs, lowering his fingers as well. i was surprised, not really, but i was. i clap my hands.

"my turn," sam says, "never have i ever stayed up at night because i was thinking about if fish drank water... ruth," he looks at ruth with the largest smile plastered on his mouth before turning to me and winking. 

"fuck you, fish-bitch," he grumbles, "i thought it was a secret."

soulmates ( completed )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя