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"so, let me get this absolutely straight," the principal of the school bends over his desk to look me, sam and kyle in the eye, "kyle accused sam of leaking the pictures of him and roxanne in the janitor's closet that he took, but sam is debunking the claims and his argument was that 'i'd never do something like that', and then tucker and jones fought in the front of school as craig was watching?"

"yeah, you worded it pretty well," sam leans back as he eyes down the principal, "i just don't see this being a office type incident, sir," i nod, slowly as kyle just huffs.

"in that case i'll just let you off with a detention, all three of you," he states, i feel my eyes grow wide.

"but craig never did anything!" kyle exclaims, pressing a tissue against his nose, "he was defenseless to what was happening," the principal just shrugs sending us out of his office. welp there goes lunch, i'm just going to be stuck in a classroom with sam, kyle and the other worthless pieces of shit that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"fuck man," sam groans, "i'm so sorry, it never was supposed to escalate like that, sorry guys," i just sigh as kyle shrugs.

"it couldn't be any worse, to be honest," kyle admits, "we could've gotten suspended--"

"what class is next?"

"chem," kyle responds, throws his tissue in the bin as sam joins us, "i guess we'll just have to sit through a few more lessons until we can have fun in our own little classroom during lunch."

"fun," sam says in his usual monotone.

"are we still okay?" kyle looks at sam, he shrugs, "only if you're not lying about the whole leaked pictures thing."

"i'll protect you from the midget that is jake if you want me to."


i slip my hands into my hoodie pockets as i walk with sam to the classroom, he's just silent and he keeps on looking at me. i wonder what he's thinking of? how i could've prefended the fight from happening? how shitty high school friendships are? soulmate thing-y? i walk into the classroom and surprise, surprise, leo is in there with jake, kyle and jay.

"oh my god!" jay exclaims, "craig scott is in detention!" i roll my eyes as i swing my bag onto a table, "we are lowkey surprised," he looks at kyle. i sit on the desk and leo sits across from me with the biggest grin plastered on his face.

"what are you in for?" he chuckles, "making out with a certain someone in the closet?" he eyes sam and i scowl at him.

"nah," i stretch, "i didn't do anything, i just got sent here with these two assholes," i motion towards kyle and sam.

"ouch man," jay joins in, "i accidentally trashed a school laptop," he uses massive air quotes as he speaks.

"what about you, leopold?" i lean back as i look at him, "well?"

"nothing~" he chuckled but he sighs, "i bribed a teacher to give me a A+ on the calculus test and 'apparently' that's illegal," i roll my eyes as i look around the room, i already see kyle and jake scowling at eachother but sam is standing in between them. i look around for something to do for the time being.

"i'll give you 10 bucks if you name the most generic name in this room," i wiggle my eyebrows as leo sticks out his hand and i shake it, smiling, "deal."

"ok right now we have jake, kyle, sam running for first place," he commentates as jake chuckles, "i'll have to go with... sam."

"nah," i shake my head, "i'm going with jake-y boy over there," jake flips me off.

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