Chapter Thirty-One

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"Harry." I breathed out in anticipation of what could happen next.

At the sound of my voice, Harry furrowed his brows and grunted out in frustration. I don't hide the confusion in my face as he makes his way back up to me and rests his forehead against mine.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I ask, still trying to catch my breathe from the intense makeout session.

"Um..." He swallows hard and pulls away from me, plopping himself down on the bed next to me, "Just don't want to move too fast. Want to do this right, and I just about lost it there."

I turn over on my side and stifle my laugh, "Harry, I think taking it slow is kind of out the window by now, isn't it?"

He turns his head towards me and gives me a look, "Never too late to do things the right way. I mean, this was only our first date."

I burst out laughing, joined by Harry in a few seconds. I buried my face in his neck, trying to calm  down. His arm snaked underneath me and pulled me into his side.

"I love you." He mumbles into my hair making me squeeze him a bit harder.

I look up at him as I rested my chin on his chest, "You know, some might say that confessing your love on the first date is moving a little too fast."

He pressed his lips together in an attempt to hide his smile at my cheeky comment. "Touché."

I bring my fingers down to fiddle with the neckline of his shirt. "I think we've waited long enough. We don't have to take things slow."

"I want to." He says quietly, tucking my hair behind my ear, "Let me earn you."

I sat up, surprised at his request, "You don't have to earn me, Harry. You've already got me."

He smiled at me, "I know, but I have a lot to make up for, and I want to take you on some dates and prove to you that I'm not going anywhere before we take that step."

I looked at him for a moment, trying to gauge how serious he was about this. His bright green eyes never wavered as he returned my stare. I realized there was no point in fighting this, and I kind of found it cute how he wanted to prove himself to me.

I let out a dramatic sigh and drop to my back, "Alright, fine. I guess we can wait."

He chuckles next to me, "I'm glad you're taking it so well." I shoot him a playful glare. "How about we watch a movie? You can pick it out while I take a quick shower?"

"Yeah, sounds good, although I don't appreciate the fact that you're going to be in there taking care of yourself when I've got a perfectly good hand right here." I leaned over him and gave him a searing kiss, causing him to moan against his mouth. He tried to wrap his arms around me, but before he knew what was happening I had pushed myself off the bed and made my way over to the couch.

If I was going to have to wait, I was going to have some fun with it. I wonder just how much teasing he could take as he grumbled his way to the bathroom, palming himself just as he's closing the door.

It wasn't until we were finishing the movie that we spoke again, Harry stifling a laugh, "I cannot believe you just made me watch Fifty Shades of Grey."

I let out a bark like laugh, "I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help it! What did you think?"

"I think it was the single greatest piece of cinema that has graced the screens in years." He deadpanned.

"How it wasn't nominated for all the Oscars, I don't know." I play along.

He tries to hold back his smile, but gives in a moment later to a loud laugh, "How that movie got made is beyond me."

All I Want //  H.S.  //  A.U.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora