Chapter Nine

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"Is that all for right now?"

"Yeah, I think we're good, thanks." I answer our waitress before she walks away to put in our order. My head is pounding, the only thing slightly easing the pain is the Bloody Mary in front of me. I sip on as I looked over at Sadie and AJ giving each other a weird look. "What?"

 "Hm?" AJ hums, his eyebrows shooting up.

I look over at Sadie suspiciously, knowing that something is up, but neither seem to want to bring it up just yet, so, instead, I decide to hassle AJ.  "So, AJ tell me about Mel."  I cock my head and bite the inside of my lip to stop a smirk from forming.

He furrows his eyebrows and asks, "Who?" I roll my eyes at the man across from me, but before I can even respond a look a realization crosses his face, "Oh, wait, her name is Meg."

I burst out laughing, "You are the worst AJ! You told me her name was Mel!"

"To be fair, I thought her name was Mel." He shrugged.

Sadie joins in on the laughter and shakes her head, "Then how did you figure out her name?"

"When she yelled it at me this morning after I called her Mel while she was blowing-"

"Okay, I really don't need the play-by-play." I give him an unimpressed look.

Sadie sends me a quick wink before turning to AJ, "What did you think of Mandy's new man?"

I stifle a laugh at the look on AJ's face. For the past two years, they have flirted relentlessly, but refuse to make a move on each other. It's like they're in this game of chicken and whoever breaks first loses.

Personally, I would love for them to get together. I know AJ well enough to know that Mandy is his dream girl, and I know Mandy well enough to know AJ is exactly what she needs in a partner. I've read enough Jane Austen novels and seen enough rom-coms to know that, eventually, they won't be able to stop whatever it is between them.

"He seemed fine." He replied through gritted teeth.

Sadie rolled her eyes and suppressed the chuckle trying to surface while I let out my laugh as he glared at me.

"You do this to yourself, AJ." I said.

"I don't even know what you two are talking about. And who cares about Mandy and that random when all three of us know that you and Harry went home together last night." He said pointedly and I watch as Sadie straightens up and look at me excitedly.

"What?! No we didn't."

"Oh really?" Sadie gives me a unconvinced look.

"Yes really."

They both raised their brows at me, but I just laughed at them and took a big gulp of my Bloody Mary. "I was thinking we should all take a trip to my beach house for Labor Day-"

"No you don't get to do that." Sadie presses.

"What now?" I groan.

"You're deflecting! You can't just brush this off. We can see something is up. Everyone can. I got a text from Kara and Andre asking about you two this morning." Sadie raises her eyebrows at me and AJ smirks.

I shake my head, "Seriously nothing happened. We are just coworkers and, I guess, sort of good friends now?"

AJ steps in and concedes, "Okay so maybe you didn't go home together last night, but something's up between you two."

"Oh my god you guys, stop." I'm looking everywhere but at my two best friends, not being able to look either in the eye.

"You've got it so bad." Sadie laughs at me.

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