Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Okay you guys, I'm putting you out of your misery. A lot is explained in this chapter, so have fun!

"How fucking dare you speak to me like that!"

I pushed hard against his chest again, but this time he was ready for me. It didn't matter that I had used all of my strength, he barely moved. I brought both of my hands once again up to his chest, shoving hard against his toned pecs. His face was stolid, not giving away any emotion as his eyes peered down on me.

At this point I was fuming, not be able to get my aggression out in a physical way. I turned away and fisted my hair in my hands, not caring how crazy I looked.

"How dare you! Fuck you, Harry!" I turn to look at him, but keep my distance. "After everything that's been done, everything that's been said, you really decide to treat me like that. Like how fucking Spencer or Chrissy or my mother does? You know how much words like that have effected me in the past and you fucking used that against me?! Especially if you were lying, then that makes this even more fucked up! I get wanting to push me away. I get that you didn't choose me and you're never going to, but don't you ever say shit like that to me. Even if you did mean what you said, you were completely out of line!

"I don't appreciate you trying to make me seem like some pathetic little girl who is hopelessly in love with the guy who keeps coming to her rescue. Please," I scoff, "I'm not in fucking love with you, Harry. I barely know you! You don't let me in enough to feel that way for you!"

"Why do you want to know me so much?" He yells back, pupils dilated and eyes blazing.

"I don't know! I wish I didn't, but I do. I want to be there for you, I want to you to trust me. I want to know what happened to you, why you left home, why this job means so damn much to you-"

"No, you don't, Madison!"

"Yes! Yes, I do. Fuck, Harry, I want to know everything about you! And you know what? I don't believe a damn thing you said to me today. I don't believe that you don't want me like I want you, I refuse to believe you've been lying to me, or playing me this whole time. I refuse to believe I'm completely delusional, because I know you care. I've seen the way you look at me. I've felt the way you touch me. It means something, I know it does. I don't know what's holding you back, but I'm going to choose to believe it has nothing to do with your job, because that's what you told me. What is it, Harry? What do you keep holding in?" I plead with him.

His eyes are wide and glossy, and I can see the familiar battle raging in his head on whether or not to let me in. My heart clenches as I watch him struggle with himself, wishing I could take away whatever pain he is in.

"You don't want to know, Madison. I'm not good for you." He says quieter this time. His voice trembles and I can see him holding back his emotions.

I shake my head and step a little closer, "That's not true, Harry. You're so good for me. You're so good to me."

"I've done nothing but hurt you for the past three weeks!" He said as he fisted his hair in his hands, looking so frustrated with himself.

"Only because you won't let me in. I promise whatever it is, isn't going to change how I feel about you." I press forward, knowing I'm so close to breaking through. My eyes stay trained on him as he starts to pace.

He begins to shake his head and refuses to look me in the eyes.

"Harry, you can trust me. This can't be good for you to keep this bottled up. You need to talk to someone about this."

"Not you! Just-not you." His voice cracks making me wince.

"Why not?! I've trusted you with all my shit, and I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you've been through, but you need to get this out. I'm not going to leave you-"

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