Chapter Ten

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I was having a very hard time staying away from Harry.

That was obvious, considering I was basically required to spend my work day with him, but what wasn't required was how much time I was spending with him during non-work hours. We spent nearly every waking minute together the entire week.

Monday night we enjoyed tamales at Pepito's and walked around Brooklyn until we found an ice cream parlor. We didn't say goodbye until nearly eleven, my mind not being able to understand if I was mad at myself for not putting myself to bed sooner or happy that I got to spend more time with Harry.

Tuesday was spent at the office, lunch and dinner meetings and then heading back to explain the reports we went through during our board meeting earlier in the day. Ironically, the same paperwork that had kept me up the entire weekend. I fielded question after question from Harry, who I have been given permission to explain the sensitive details of our financials to, giving me a harsh reminder that my father expected Harry to rise to the top of our company, and I couldn't ruin that for him.

The only moment we didn't spend together was when my father called me in for a meeting after the board meeting. Immediately after entering his office he headed for his bar and poured us a drink. I tried to decline, since it wasn't even noon, but my father wouldn't hear it.

"Madison, dear, sit." He motions for me to sit opposite of him in front of his desk.

"Dad, what's this about?" I ask cautiously, fiddling with my drink, but not bringing it to my lips.

He takes a long pull of his scotch like always, "It's about Styles."

I stiffen, "What about him?"

"How has he been doing? Any issues?" He asks absentmindedly as he looks at an e-mail that just popped up on his computer.

I furrow my brows, "Have you not been getting my nightly reports? I've been sending them to Maryse."

"Uh," he types something out and finishes his drink, "Yeah, of course, I just want to hear from you personally. I've always told you, Madison, in person is always better. Much less room to miscommunicate."

"Right," I say dryly, seeing through his lie. Maryse hasn't been sending him my reviews. Either she has it out for me or she's still just as terrible at her job as she's always been, "Well, Harry's superb. He has an immense understanding of the business, does research on his own, keeps up with business articles to stay ahead of trends and new studies. He also has a propensity for pitching and closing. He's easily one of the most charming people I have ever worked with. He charmed the socks off Elise Golding last week, helping me close the diamond deal with her in record time. He also is very good at editing and reviewing legal documents, I expect that's from his minor in English that I saw on his file. He could very easily fit into any department. Wouldn't cause any drama or issues. Dedicated to his work like no one I've ever had shadow me before. You guys were right, he's a great investment."

I couldn't tell if I overdid it on my praise for Harry, but I couldn't help it. I probably could've gone on and on about how he is absolutely perfect for Konrad. I didn't want my dad to expect anything, however. I needed to keep things as strictly professional as possible in front of him, even if he was the biggest hypocrite when inter-office relationships occur. I watch him as he pours another drink and fiddles through his e-mails. He's barely paying attention to me, and I find myself growing increasingly annoyed at him.


He looks back up at me, "Sounds good, darling. I trust your judgement, I just thought we should check in."

"Of course." I pause before saying, "I'll start sending my reports directly to you, just so you have them on hand."

He glances at me with narrowed eyes, acutely aware of what I was suggesting, but brushed it off before starting on the topic he actually brought me up for, "The anniversary gala." I nod my head, "Strictly Konrad employees, clients, and plus ones, so no inviting your friends. I don't want that Christina girl anywhere near my celebration."

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