"How can you be so insensitive towards your own friend? What if he's hurt? He's missing and no one is looking for him! What if it happened to me? Or to you? Wouldn't you want someone to go after you? Why shouldn't I be "acting weird" if a boy is literally missing?"

"Because said boy is Zack. He's fine. He has gone missing befo..."

"Not like this," I yell at the top of my lungs. I can't believe I'm acting so defensive right now, but I'm sure that Zack didn't just run away. It's true that I'd chop my thumb off to get him back. But, other than missing him dearly, I also am worried sick. If Diaz catches him, there'd be no news really. Just nothing. I'd never hear from him again. And, if Zack is alive and well, same thing would happen. 

Isn't my life wonderful?

"Fuck you, Colin, just leave me alone, I have somewhere to be, unlike you, weirdo, who's staying home on a Saturday night."

"Yeah, well, some of us aren't trying to die of alcohol poisoning before hitting 20."

I roll my eyes before stepping out of the door and shutting it hard behind me.

The night rolled by and I told myself I was going to let myself go and drink whatever I wanted to drink. Do the drugs that I had the opportunity to. Fucking do it all. My life couldn't get much worse, so, whatever I did, nothing could leave me more depressed than what was already happening. 

Colin was acting like a little bitch, so I decided that I wanted to do everything he didn't want me to. So you want to act like a toy soldier "protecting me" from stuff? Well, fuck off, Colin I do what I want.

As I danced, Ethan's arm was on my back, really near my ass. I could barely breathe as we were walking towards the bar. I didn't put it a bit higher on my back. I let it be, it wasn't as if I didn't like his presence or his touch. I wasn't madly in love with him or even had a crush on him. I knew he was just a player and that the chances for him to settle down were close to none. But I didn't care all that much about what was going on between us. 

We had made out a few times, but it never really meant anything, and to be honest, I was having fun leading him on. He had a shit temper and personality. And, that was the main reason that Zack would always be so much better than him.

We got a cool place, and Jac knew the bartender. He told him it was my birthday, even though, it was quite far from it, so the bartender agreed to give us some free drinks.

One shot, two shots, three shots, four shots, five shots. After that, I lost count because they started to be free.

I was by far the drunkest of the group. Ethan wasn't drinking for some reason, he was just chilling in his corner looking with a stern face at everyone as if he were searching for his next killing target.  Staring. Especially to the girls. In particular, me. He would not stop staring at me. It was kind of freaking me out, but drunk me didn't give a singular fuck.

I couldn't understand what people were telling me nor what was happening around me. I don't remember what happened in this mist of music, and alcohol, but at some point in the night, Ethan grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

His hands were placed on my hips as I danced and they slowly started to grope my butt. I grabbed his wrists and tried to get his hand on my hips again as I wasn't very comfortable with him groping me like that.  Like I've said, we'd make out, nothing more than that. And, even though I fuck everyone, I just thought it'd be kind of weird since Ethan does have a habit of "fucking and telling". But he didn't seem to mind me acting so against this idea of his to grope like that. As he made me turn to him and grabbed my neck hard. He pushed me against his lips, not letting go of my ass.

He then started to kiss my neck and got so close to me I could feel his erection against my belly button. 

I tried to push him away. I laughed.


But his grip was way too strong for my drunk self to let go of him.

"You look way too perfect tonight to not be fucked hard..."

I couldn't understand the words that came out of his mouth. I was almost blacking out when he grabbed my wrist and took me to the bathroom, where he pinned me against the wall and dropped my jeans to the dirty floor.

"Ethan, I don't..." I burped and suppressed my vomit "We should..."

"Don't you trust me?"

The answer was no, but I couldn't form any words and nothing I could do seemed to get him away from me.

Then, there was a lapse on my memory.

All I can remember was me crying on the dirty bathroom floor, drenched in my own vomit as I saw him pull his pants up, turning his back on me and going back to the others in my friend group.

Everything in me hurt. Ethan was rough, my abdomen was still bruised and fucked, my head was pounding, and I was throwing up and shivering like crazy.

"I want to go home..." I whispered, hugging my knees in fetal position.

I bit my lip and can't really remember what happened after I got out of the bathroom with my shirt dirty, my hair messy, my face pale, and my senses failing me.

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