Chapter XV

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Hey, I know I said I'd start updating more after June 14th, but I went on holidays and then some shit happened and I haven't really been in the mood to write a chapter. However, I've gathered the strength to bring this one to you and I hope to continue to do so more often, so just be patient alright?

Love you guys, and stay tuned!

Eventually, I started hanging out with Tyler and his friends more. More than what you'd consider healthy.

Note that before Zack came around, never had I ever thought about touching a cigarette or drugs at all. Yeah, I'd get a bit tipsy every so often in parties and such. But that was all I'd ever do.

His friends would gather in the skatepark all day, every day.

My school life was beginning to fall apart slowly and my grades were crashing faster than I'd ever like them to.

Classes were starting to feel like they were optional and totally dispensable. So, the skatepark began to feel like my second home. I'd spend every second there, with Tyler and his friends.

His group was kind of amazing.

They didn't talk about each other's lives. All they were interested in was skateboarding and going to the craziest parties and bars.

Not to mention, the guys were hot, and the girls, quite different from the regular, vanilla bitch you'd find at your high school. They liked to take risks, to be different from everyone else. They weren't afraid to do some crazy shit. Liam had tattoos on her arms and her hair dyed pink and cut like a boy would have his hair cut. Her favorite drug was LSD and she'd spend hours talking about her favorite trips. My theory was that she was a lesbian. I had never heard her say she thought dude A or dude B was hot. And every time she did compliment anyone, she complimented girls, and said, many times, that they were hot and that she'd tap that. Then, Hadley was a crazy bitch. She had woken up naked once, on the street, with only a blunt on her belly. She had been to jail once, for beating up some chick her ex-boyfriend was banging, at the time, and she was like, the greatest skater you could ever meet. She did the craziest of tricks.

Then, the boys... Oh man, the boys. Ethan and Enzo were, by far, the hottest, but also, the most players.

Ethan was a bit of a douchebag. I'll never forget the look of disgust he had on his face the first time Tyler brought me to meet them. I remember him looking up and down on me and just saying "Se doesn't even skate, what the fuck is she doing here?". But, he was also really sweet sometimes.

I knew he had fucked a ton of girls. And by a ton, I really do mean a ton. Jac had told me he had once fucked eight in a single night. And Jac was not a liar.

But Enzo was quite nice. He always greeted me with that handsome smile of his and would often invite me to hang out with them.

As time passed, Ethan douchebaginess went down. Probably because I learned to skate as well as that motherfucker. Or maybe because he actually got to know me better. Even though he didn't know me as he thought he did.

Then, we had Jac. Jac wasn't as hot. But definitely the nicest of them.  He loved the same bands as me and was, overall, a pretty chill guy. He was really talented with a guitar, and sometimes, when the others would get high, he'd sing a song or two.

Now, let me tell you, I was never a fan of drugs. But I never had anything against those who were. But, I don't know, I just never saw any appeal to them, so, every time the group would smoke, or trip on LSD, I'd just have a few beers and get crazy with them nonetheless.

So that was what my friend group consisted of, now. Drugs, skating, fucking with strangers skipping school.

Great combo, I know.

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