• forty one: part two •

Start from the beginning

"Bey, I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean for it to go this far. I made a mistake."

"Yeah you've made a lot of those recently." she snapped. "You know what Tremaine? There are sooo many things I could say to you right now but like I told Solo, now is not the time nor the place. You just better hope that she's okay and more importantly, that your son is okay. I'll leave it at that."


"Family of Kelendria Rowland-Neverson?"

We all quickly stood up at the sound of the doctor's voice. It has now been two hours and the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife, which is one of the many reasons why I was relieved when the doctor finally came out to address us. I tried to read her facial expression for any hints but her poker face wasn't really giving me anything.

"Well," she began, "the good news is that the baby is just fine."

We all sighed of relief at the same time. That was exactly what I needed to hear right now.

"What about Kelly?" I urged.

"It seems she suffered from a panic attack which is what caused her to collapse. When she first arrived here, her blood pressure was low from the loss of consciousness but then once we got her fully awake, we found that her blood pressure rose very high very fast, which was concerning."

"So what are you saying...?" I asked nervously.

"Well, we ran some tests and I believe she might have developed preeclampsia. This is a condition that can occur during pregnancy where the blood pressure becomes extremely high, and this is dangerous for both the mother and the baby. This condition can come on very suddenly, which is why it wasn't detected during her prenatal appointment last week. In Kelly's case, it came on both suddenly and early, as it's usually supposed to occur after the 20th week of pregnancy and she's just barely on week 18. Because of how dangerous this is, I am putting her on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy."

I slowly sat back down, before my legs gave out on me, as the doctor's words sank in. It felt like someone just punched me in the gut. I hate this so much.

"I had this exact same condition when I was pregnant with my twins." Beyoncé told the doctor. "I know about it all too well."

"So you know that she'll have to be careful with everything she does." the doctor responded, and Beyoncé nodded. "But it won't be too bad. I'm placing her on modified bed rest, which means she can still sit, stand and walk around, just not all the time. She will still have to spend the majority of the day laying in bed."

"How long until she can leave?" Lala asked.

"We still need to run a few more tests just to confirm the diagnosis, so she'll most likely be here until tomorrow afternoon." the doctor explained.

"Can we go see her?" I heard Beyoncé ask.

"Actually... she made a special request to see her husband."

I quickly looked up, just as shocked as everyone else was.

"W-where is she?" I stammered.

"Come with me, I'll show you to her room." the doctor replied.

She led me down the long hallway, and I had all kinds of thoughts running through my head of how this encounter was gonna go. I was sure Kelly hated me for putting her in this position. Shit, I hated myself.

We got to the room and I walked in, looking at Kelly just laying there. It really broke my heart to see her like this. I know it could've been worse but at the same time, she's not even supposed to be in here at all.

"Hi." she mumbled weakly when she noticed my presence.

"Kelly... I am so, so sorry."

"Don't worry Trey, the baby's fine."

"No, I mean for everything. All of this is my fault."

She sighed, "It's not only your fault Trey. I did kinda blow things out of proportion. I think we both played a role in this."

"But none of this would've even happened if I didn't go behind your back to help Janay. It should've never gotten to the point where you're laying in a hospital bed, not even because you're in labor but because of how I've been treating you."

She nodded slowly. "Well, I'm sure the doctor has told you by now that I'm being put on bed rest."

"She did... I feel terrible baby."

"Well since I won't be able to do much for the next few months, I'm really gonna need your help... which means all these shenanigans stop now. I need you home right away."

I smirked, "Is that the only reason you want me back? Doctor's orders?"

"Your daughter misses you."

"What about my wife?"

She rolled her eyes, "Trey I shouldn't even have to say anything at this point. You should already know."

"You're right baby. I was big trippin, I don't even know what I was tryna prove by being petty like that."

"Neither do I," she mumbled, "but I'm not about to act like it was just you. Both of us were being ridiculous, thinking it was gonna help the situation but it ended up making things worse. I don't want that shit for us anymore."

"Me neither. I'm really sorry babe, I truly am. I wish I could say it a million times."

She smiled and gestured for me to come closer to her, then took my hand.

"You think you can stay here with me until tomorrow?" she asked.

"Of course, anything you want."

"Who else is here?"

"Chris and the girls."

"Can you text them and tell them I'm good and they can leave?"

I cringed, "I'm not exactly their favorite person right now."

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "Scaredy cat. Use my phone so they think it's me."

I laid down and cuddled close to her, reaching over to grab her phone.

"Trey?" I heard her say.

"Yeah babe."

"Don't you ever do no sneaky shit to me ever again." she said firmly.

"I swear on my life, never again." I promised.

"And the next time you try to threaten me with a divorce, I'll cut your balls off in your sleep. You hear me?"

I bursted out into laughter, "Mannn, I love the shit out of you."

"And I love you too, but I'm dead serious."

"I know Kelz," I chuckled, kissing her forehead, "I know."


Y'all can stop hating me now 😭😂

Thanks for 10K reads btw. 'Preciate all of you 🥰🥰🥰

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