The inbetweener

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I'm an inbetweener.

In between halls, between friends, in between life. In between choices.

I'm always stuck in the middle of things.

When two people I'm close to are feuding, I'm there either yelling at them both or trying to knit them together again.

I'm in between that feeling of wanting to be alone but being afraid I'll always be by myself.

I'm in between focusing on what I need to do and just. . . not caring anymore.

I'm in between saying "Fuck it!" and doing what I want and thinking "Fuck, what would others say?"

Damn this Gemini crap. I'm torn in two and who knows which side of the argument is going to win in my head, tomorrow.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now