Post- Graduation

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I'm having a mental break-down right now. Something like that...

Here I am. a day away from graduating. I've already registered for classes at my university two days ago and I'm ready for all that shit. It's just that...

Once again, I feel so alone and isolated.

Where are my friends to celebrate and relax with right now? There aren't any friends. I've some how managed to dissolve any close relationship I've ever had with anybody. Now its just simple "heys" that are exchanged.

I'm fucking alone and I'm sad.

I know this is probably what my dorm/college life will look like...

I'm so pissed at myself for allowing this to happen again. To allow myself to feel so pathetic and helpless.

Worst part is I planned out what I would do next. I'd change my look completely, start over if possible. No one on campus would know I was some depressive loner who ended senior year without any one to call or smile with.

I'm just so fucking done with this feeling.

I'm happy, I'm sad, I don't want to be bothered, I want someone to just ask me how I'm doing, I don't want to talk... can somebody explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

Why can't I be happy like every one else right now.

I'm so broken up inside its fucking crazy to think I haven't exploded and caused a scene. Maybe I'll fall and trip on stage... Get into an accident so my summer is spent doped on drugs.

Sound like a plan to me.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now