-The F*ck Are You?

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Like the title I used? Is it confusing- Illiterate? (P.s, my spelling sucks, just a warning)

Yeah I know that describes me. That's why I choose the damn thing. . . anyway, back to the point.

Who am I?

I could give you a drone like answer most strangers do but I feel like I'm way to cool for that. . . or, at least- to lame for it.

Kyree is I. I is Kyree. That's right! My parents gave me a guys name and up til last years basketball season, I thought my name was orignal in its spelling - Screw you Mr. Erving! Nice three pointer though.

I'm like a tiny spec in life. In size and in importance. I want to choke the living shit out of people who ask my height. Are you my doctor? No, so unless your buying me some custom made dress don't freaking bother.

I have a habit of talking to myself. As of right now I'm pretending to write a letter to myself explaing who I am.

- Now you know how weird I am. Its ohkay though becuase I use the fact of being a Gemini as an excuse for my strangness. I personally belive there is at least two other people living inside me. Personality disorder? No, maybe Bipolar but. . . no.

I just lost my train of thought after that paragraph so I'll just list the rest:

I cuss a lot, damn it.

Pandora radio station stays on in my room.

I'm in my room 16 hours of the day. the rest is of school.

I've got all my future tattoos planed out on paper.

I'm curently the 4th of 19 grandchildren in my family.

Single for life. . .

Thats all I can think of right now. I'll come back and add and spell correct later. I'm a dedicated procastinor and honestly, I'm doing it right now but typing this stuff. . . . I think I'll go to rehab until the next post. *she waves before dragging herself off the laptop chair*

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