What's My Sexuality? Honestly, Tell Me- Idun(even)no

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Good question. . . I don't fucking know.

Like, I've never had thoughts of being with a girl but I'd be like, wow this girl is really pretty. then boys. . . I don't know about them either. every time I start to like a guy he says or does something that kills my vibe for him. that or I find out he's dating someone.

Gentleman! Please, don't flirt with someone on a daily bases if you have a damn girlfriend already.

I've never kissed a girl but I'm sure if I did I'd like it. Its a damn kiss. I don't think there would be a difference if it were a guy's or female's lips.

We could test the subject. Blindfold someone and have them kiss a guy and girl and see if they could tell the difference. . . I probably wouldn't.

Haha, I'm so tragic.

Don't judge me, I'm a eighteen year old virgin. I'll probably get drunk one of these days and get laid by some random kid. . . .

Wouldn't that be something to write about if.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now