Is it me? I think its me.

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I'm a very thinking person. . .

if that even makes sense to you guys. let's just say I think a lot. About stupid shit and  also deep shit. I've got my own definitions for words and people.

Not necessarily nicknames but names that describe. for example, not all of my gay friends act the same. You've got Jaxon who is a total jock and loves to talk to people regardless. I call him My "Hay-hay." He's also has a winning  Fair sheep and farm.

Anyways I am totally getting off topic because this one is straight up a serious issues I have- no jokes intended. . .

Are friends really what they say they are? I mean are they really your friends?

My experience is not very good, I've had people who I thought were the best people I could ever meet. . . Then, you know they go and do/say something that fucks it up.

How are you suppose to me my friend when you hang around other people who don't like me? Openly, publicly don't like me?

I know your not suppose to tell your friends who and who not to hang around with- but damn! You know what's going on and yet you don't have the respect to truly be neutral?

Seems to me like your picking sides and I'm not on the side your on.

So what's really going on? I don't say much most of the time (though I can be very blunt when its needed) but I'm not dumb. If were not really what you say we are, why are you still here?

I'd rather you go be friends with them and talk about me then be friends with us both while your talking to me.

Does it makes sense to you guy or am I just being jealous and territorial? idk.

I've actually been drinking a lot. . . of water. Trying to stay healthy here.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now